Friday, February 20, 2009


We focused on TGU with the class, accordingly at the beginning we repeated the seven steps a’FMS correction, which was followed by the windmill-TGU-ladder a’Ervin, and some swings for sure! Of course no Thursday can pass without snatches, thus the training was closed by 10 min VO2 max. I joined the class for the latter, 10 min, 15:15 sec, 20 sets, 8 reps/set, @ 12 kg.

10 deadlift
5-5 halo
3-3 roll to press
3-3 floor press–neck & shoulder rotation
3-3 armbar press–neck & shoulder rotation
3-3 on elbow–neck & shoulder rotation
3-3 floor press, other leg raise
3-3 sit up: neck & shoulder rotation
3-3 get up to high pelvis: neck & shoulder rotation
3-3 TGU standing rotation
3-3 TGU way back kneeling position: neck & shoulder rotation
2 sets: windmill & floor press & windmill & TGUsitup & windmill & TGU-bridge & windmill & & TGU & windmill – left, right + 50 swing
VO2 max, 15:15 sec protocol, 10 min, 20 sets
Brettzel, stretching
At the class of Ervin at night:
15 deadlift @ 20 kg
Clean&KB rotation on the shoulder 3-3 @20 kg
1-2-3 clean&press&saw (l,r) @ 20 kg
1-2 clean&press&saw (l,r) @ 20 kg
1-2-3 clean&press&saw (l,r) @ 20 kg
1-2 clean&press&saw (l,r) @ 20 kg
1-2 clean&press&saw (l,r) @ 20 kg
1-2-3 swing-clean-high pull-snatch @ 20 kg
5-5 situp with KB locked out overhead, opposite leg hold down by partner @ 12 kg
10 min swing @ 20 kg: 30, 30, 25, 25, 25, 25, 20, 20, 25, 25, altogether 250 swing @ 20 kg (well, I felt the effect of the afternoon VO2 max…)

Ervin and Monti on ski

Yesterday in the morning Ervin took Monti for a ski run :-) They had a lot of fun...

Thursday, February 19, 2009


10 deadlift @ 20 kg
5-5 circle deadlift @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 TGU @ 20 kg
5-5 windmill @ 20 kg
3-3 front squat&press @20 kg
5-5 side press @16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
5-5 windmill, hold out down for 3 sec @ 20 kg
3-3 squat&press @20 kg
5-5 front side press @16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
3-3 front squat&press @20 kg
5-5 side press @16 kg
20 swing@ 20 kg
10-10 situp with KB locked overhead, opposite leg hold down by partner @12 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10-10 situp with KB locked overhead, opposite leg hold down by partner @12 kg
10-10 high pull @ 20 kg
3-3 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 in-line-press @16 kg
3-3 in-line-lunge position press @ 16 kg
30 swing @ 20 kg
5 ULP @ 20 kg


Wednesday, February 18, 2009


2 sets: 10 deadlift+5-5 halo+5-5 ULP
2 sets: 5-5 clean&press+5-5 lat pull+30 swing
2 sets: 5-5 one legged press+5-5 renegade row+30 swing
2 sets: 5-5 half kneeling press+5-5 windscreen wiper+30 swing
2 sets: 5-5 sitting press+30 iron breath+30 swing
2 sets: 5-5 situp with KB locked out overhead+5-5 Russian twist+30 swing
5-5 windmill+5-5 front lunge

Prior to the class we rechecked the active straigth leg raise (ASLR) of Attila. At the FMS screen last week it showed 1-1this was the weakest link in the chain, we started to work on it. He made the correction drills for five days and performed yesterday a very stable 2-2!! :-D He hardly wanted to believe it, but here it was – the system works, and how simple! :-)
After the class further FMS screens, sooner or later everyone will have it done...
Ervin hold a great class in the evening, I will certainly show the TGU-windmill ladder to my class on Thursday!

10 deadlift @ 20 kg
5-5 circle deadlift @ 20 kg
windmill-floor press-windmill-TGU situp-windmill-TGU brigde-windmill-TGU @ 20 kg left, right
50 swing @ 20 kg
windmill-floor press-windmill-TGU situp-windmill-TGU brigde-windmill-TGU @ 20 kg left, right
50 swing @ 20 kg
floor-press-TGU situp-press- TGU half kneeling-press-TGU standup-press@16 kg left, right
50 swing @ 20 kg
TGU standup-press-TGU half kneeling position-press-sit down-press-finish-floor press @ 16 kg left, right
50 swing

5 Hackensmidth squat @ 16 kg
10 situp with KB locked out overhead @12 kg left
8 Hackensmidth squat @ 16 kg
10 situp with KB locked out overhead @12 kg left
8 Hackensmidth squat @ 16 kg

Swing ladder: 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7 one handed swing @ 20 kg

5-5 halfway snatch @ 16 kg
5-5 high pull @ 20 kg
5-5 snatch @ 20 kg
9-9 snatch @ 16 kg
8-8 snatch @ 16 kg
7-7 snatch @ 16 kg


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009


10 deadlift at the wall bars
5-5 halo
5-5 single hand deadlift at the wall bars
5-5 halo
2 sets: 3-3 TGU+4-4 floor press+4-4 armbar press+10 swing-catch squat
2 sets: 5-5 windmill+5-5 front lunge with ULP+5-5 back lunge with ULP+5-5 Russian twist
15 min VO2 max 15:15 sec protocol (30 sets)

I made the VO2 max, too: 15 min, 30 sets /6 reps @ 16 kg (180 snatch).

Yesterday the people I screened on Tuesday received their FMS test results and correctional exercises. Looking forward to see their faces when improvement comes...

Thursday, February 12, 2009


10 deadlift @ 20 kg
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
10 deadlift @ 20 kg
2-2 TGU-windmill-overhead squat @ 20 kg
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
2-2 TGU-windmill-overhead squat @ 20 kg
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
10-10 high pull @ 20 kg
5-5 floor press @ 20 kg
5-5 sitting press @ 16 kg
10 situp @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
5-5 snatch @ 20 kg
5-5 floor press @ 20 kg
3-3 sitting press @ 16 kg
10 situp @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
5-5 floor press @ 20 kg
3-3 sitting press @ 16 kg
10 situp @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
5 ULP @ 20 kg
3-3 in-line press @ 16 kg
3-3 in-line-front lunge kneeling press @ 16 kg


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday class, FMS, swing


10 deadlift at the wall bars
5-5 halo
5-5 one-handed deadlift at the wall bars
5-5 halo
5-5 one-handed deadlift with one hand on the wall bars

80 swing
1-1 TGU
2-2 TGU
3-3 TGU

80 swing

1-2-3-4 clean-bent press-overhead squat-saw

80 swing

1-2-3(-4) clean-press-windmill-renegade row

80 swing

1-2-3(-4) clean-side press-saw

80 swing

After the class 8 FMS screens, not a fully representative result on the class as yet, however the "weakest link", i.e. the problem issue on class level is already significant - that means, we know what and how to correct!

In the evening I made a small swing session at home:
8x50 swing @ 20 kg

Monday, February 9, 2009

FMS certifed specialist

Glad to report that since yesterday – together with other lucky and spirited people – I am an FMS certified specialist! Very much thanks to Brett for the unbelievable high class and expressive training, to Peter to brining us Brett, to Gabi for the first-class translation and practical advice, to Feri Csiky for the SMR-block and to all fellows for the joint learning and sreening. It was a great experience and what is more, utmost useful. To what extent – I hope it will be felt soon by many :-)
/”Thanks” to climbing and kettlebells that – although of course there are issues to work on, but – I have no assymmetries! :-D /

Friday, February 6, 2009

New member to the "Brett Jones Hungarian Fan Club"

A very special training

Yesterday the class, together with the victims of Ervin, had a very special training: Brett Jones, Master RKC (and, BTW, one of the most excellent people and experts I have ever known) showed them a HardStyle training! How it went down? „As usual”, impressive and simple.
Brett, thank you very much, you were awesome, as always! Snapshots here, profesional pictures later…

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Class: Tribute to Brett Jones :-)

20 swing
5-5 clean&press
20 swing
5-5 clean&front squat
20 swing
5-5 TGU
20 swing
5-5 snatch
20 swing

5-5 clean&press
20 swing
5-5 clean&press
5-5 clean&front squat
5-5 clean&press
3-3 TGU
5-5 clean&press
5-5 snatch
5-5 clean&press

4-4 clean&front squat
10 swing
4-4clean&front squat
4-4/5-5 clean&press
4-4 clean&front squat
3-3 TGU
4-4clean&front squat
5-5 snatch
4-4clean&front squat

After walking Monti, at Ervin:
10 deadlift at wall bars @ 20 kg
10-10 one handed deadlift with a pass above @ 20 kg
10-10 one handed deadlift with a pass above and down @ 20 kg
30-30 shoulder lift, KB in straight, locked out hand @ 20 kg
5-5 shoulder circle forward @ 16 kg
5-5 shoulder circle backward @ 16 kg
30-30 sec walk with KB in rack position, last 15-15 sec on toes @ 20 kg
7-7 TGU @ 20 kg
1-2-3 ladder: windmill&side press @ 16 kg
30 swing @ 20 kg
1-2-3 ladder: windmill&side press @ 16 kg
10-10 clean @20 kg
1-2-3 ladder: windmill&side press @ 16 kg
4-4 floor press with lifted hips, high tension@ 16 kg
5-5 situp, KB in straight, locked out hand @ 12 kg
4-4 floor press with lifted hips, high tension, one leg crossed over the other knee @ 16 kg
4-4 situp, KB in straight, locked out hand, one leg crossed over the other knee @ 12 kg
40 swing @ 20 kg
2x(10 one handed swing+10 clean) @ 20 kg
30-30 one handed swing @ 20 kg
10-10 clean @ 20 kg
30 swing @ 20 kg
1 min ULP @ 20 kg

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Monday @ 20 kg

2-2 clean&press
30 swing
2-2 clean&press
5-5 clean&front squat
2-2 clean&press
5-5 TGU
2-2 clean&press
5-5 snatch
2-2 clean&press

Altogehter with right hand 4 and with the left 2 proper press, and at two right hand presses I felt "that's it!" Motivation: to increase this proportion to 100% (yes, I do like challenges).

Monday, February 2, 2009

Busy Sunday

So that I could only manage a short VO2 max...
VO2 max, 15:15 protocol, 10 min, 20 sets, 6 reps @ 16 kg

Thus the new RKC snatch test would be practically fulfilled, too (60 reps / 5 min; I weight 55 kg) althougt it was not an exact goal now :-)