Friday, September 11, 2009


2 sets: 5/10 deadlift – 5/10 halo – 10/20 ULP

3 sets:
20 swing – 20 mp plank – 2-2 slow TGU – 10 ULP to hold / 10 swing – 20 mp bridge – 1-1 TGU – 10 ULP

3 sets:
3/4 French press – 7 goblet squat – 10-10 one handed swing / 2 French press – 5 goblet squat – 10 swing

3 sets:
4 Janda sit up – 10 hip lift holding on to KB – 10-10 Russian twist / 2/3 Janda sit up – 5 hip lift holding on to KB – 5-5 Russian twist

3 sets:
20 front lunge&ULP - – 20 side lunge – 20 mp bridge / 10 front lunge & ULP – 10 side lunge – 20 mp bridge


The guys got a bit tired by the end…

My training:

5 min Tabata: 20 sec on:10 sec off – one handed swing @ 16 kg
5 min Tabata: 20 sec on:10 sec off –swing @ 16 kg
2x5-5 halo @ 16 kg
2x5-5 bent press @ 16 kg
2x7 goblet squat @ 16 kg
2x5-5 floor press @ 16 kg
2x5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
2x20 front lunge @16 kg
2x10 push up on dog house
2x8 pullover @ 16 kg

36:36 @ 16 kg

Tuesday started in the gym with Adam ("I'll take you in pieces" he promised - and did so). In the evening the class learnt the Janda sit up - my popularity begun to decrease very rapidly... But then I saw the little light in their eyes which I consider as a sign that they have discovered and taken the challenge. We will train it at every class :-)
08 September 2009
2 sets: 5/10 deadlift – 5/10 goblet squat – 10/20 swing
2x5-5 halo 5-5 /10-10 ULP / ULP to hold
2x5-5 clean at wall bars - 5 push up on bench - 2x3-3 military press
3 sets: 3 double press - 5 push up on bench with full tension– 5-5 clean
3 sets: 1-2-3 (l,r) clean-press-lat pull
4 sets: 20 sec plank - 5 deadlift – 10 swing
4 sets: 10 swing – 1-1 TGU – 20 sec bridge
10/20 ULP/ ULP to hold
3 sets: 3/4 Janda sit up- 5-5/10-10 windscreen wiper

Then I run to the doctor - a mole was removed from my right calf and my training for that night cancelled :-(
On Wednesday I took up a new decade in VO2 max: 36:36-os protocol, and 16 kg. Regarding the double switch I started first with low rep numbers as set up with Adam - timely I could afford more (and will, too) but for 30 sets the 360 snatches were nicely OK.
JM, 10 deadlift @ 16 kg, 10 ULP @ 16 kg
VO2 max, 36 sec on:36 sec off, 30 sets, 12 reps/set @16 kg

Thursday started in the gym again. Adam woke me up and made me tired in exchange for his namesday cake :-) I am afraid he will be feared if I show one of his evil ideas at the class tonight :-D (I tried it on Wednesday morning. My abs were burning...)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


After the rest on Friday I was looking forward to Saturday night. We planned 68-70 sets of VO2 max with Adam, but I felt so well and did not want to stop... 80 sets, some GTG afterwards, stretching and I still felt great :-) Something is working well - thanks, Kenneth!

JM, 10 deadlift @ 12 kg, 10 ULP @ 12 kg
VO2 max, 15 sec on : 15 sec off, 80 sets, 40 minutes, 8 reps/set - 640 snatch!
3x5 double floor press @ 2x12 kg
3x30 sec bridge
3x30 sec plank
3x20 small windscreen wiper @ 2x12 kg
3x5 Janda sit up
3x20 front lunge & ULP @ 12 kg

A light training followed on Sunday:
20 swing - 30 sec rest - 10-10 one handed swing - 30 sec rest - 20 hand to hand swing @ 16 kg
2x5-5 military press @ 16 kg
2x5-5 bent press @ 16 kg
2x8 Janda sit up
2x2-2 TGU @ 16 kg
2x8 goblet squat @ 16 kg
2x10 front lunge & ULP @ 16 kg
2x20 Russian twist @ 16 kg
2x20 ULP @ 16 kg

Friday, September 4, 2009



5 burpee, 10 sec bridge
10/5 deadlift – 10/5 goblet squat – 10/20 swing
swing-catch-squat learning
Workout 1: 3 sets: 5/10 swing-catch-squat – 30 sec rest - 10 sec plank, 10 sec bridge
TGU step by step: 3 reps at each steps (beginners: naked TGU), in between: 10-10 one handed swing
Workout 2: 3 sets: 1-1 TGU – 5/10 swing - 30 sec rest - 3x20 sec deadlift and full body tension
1-1 TGU, neck and shoulder rotation at each step
Workout 3: 4 perc swing, 20 sec on, 10 sec off (for beginners only the half, with rests)Stretching

My workout:
20 swing @ 16 kg
2x5 double deadlift @ 2x12 kg
20 swing @ 16 kg
2x5 double press @ 2x12 kg
20 swing @ 16 kg
2x5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 16 kg
2x8 goblet squat @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 16 kg
2x6 Janda sit up
2x10-10 side bend @ 12 kg
2x10 ASLR @ 2x12 kg
2x10-10 small windsreen wiper @ 2x12 kg
2x30 sec plank
2x30 sec bridge
2x10-10 Russian twist @ 16 kg
2x5-5 front lunge @ 2x12 kg
Stretching, SMR

Thursday, September 3, 2009


JM, 10 deadlift @ 12 kg, 10 ULP @ 12 kg
VO2 max, 15 sec on:15 sec off, 60 sets, 30 min, 8 reps/set @ 12 kg
3x5-5 half pistol (down on one leg, up on two legs) @ 12 kg
3x10-10 front lunge&ULP @ 12 kg
3x10 pushup on the doghouse, slow, with high tension
3x4 Janda sit up
3x10-10 Russian twist @ 12 kg
10-10 back lunge&ULP @12 kg
10-10 side lunge @12 kg
10-10 side bend @ 12 kg
3x5-5 floor press @ 12 kg

I made it with Kata, it was much more fun to train together:-)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

In training again

Unfortunately I could not train int he second half of last week – party because of the knee injury but also because of being totally exhausted (the phase when you fall asleep at the diner table) due to official programs reaching into the night. I only had energy to walk the dog and sleep.

On Monday I grabbed the bells again:
3x 5 double press @ 2x12 kg
5 lat pull @ 2x12 kg
3x 5 double floor press @ 2x12 kg
5-5 renegade row @ 2x12 kg
3x 5-5 double windmill @ 2x12 kg
3x20 sec plank
3x 10-10 windscreen wiper @ 2x12 kg
3x 10-10 ASLR @ 2x12 kg

I started on Tuesday at the gym again with Adam, and in the afternoon had the first class again. I am very happy that no free places are left and that 70% of the class consists of the victims of the past season – looks as if we were following the right path :-)
With regard to the summer break we started with the basics (again).

5 wall squat nearing after each
3-3 squat with partner – tension control
5 deadlift at the wall
2x10 sec plank
5 / 10 deadlift with 2 bells in pairs, tension control
5 burpee
10 swing / beginners only holding
20 sec plank
10 loaded swing in pairs / beginners 5 swing
20/10 iron breath
20 swing / 5 towel swing
20 sec plank
10-10 one handed swing / 10 loaded swing
5/10 deadlift
20 hand to hand swing / 10 swing
Workout 1:
4 min: 20 sec deadlift hold the tension on top (2 KBs) – 10 sec rest / 20 sec swing (1 KB) – 10 sec rest (for beginners 1 min work / 1 min rest)
3-3/5-5 goblet squat
5 slow goblet squat, stop and tense at the bottom, pulling oneself up
Workout 2:
20/10 swing – 30 sec rest – 5 goblet squat – 20 sec rest – 10-10 one handed swing/10 swing – 30 sec rest – 5 goblet squat – 20 sec rest – 20 hand to hand swing/10 swing

I was pleased to state that the older victims have not forgotten much and the new ones got to feel the dynamics of deadlift and the arc of the swing. I feel the hidden possibilites in everyone again and fortunately some of them are starting to believe in themselves. Ladies, gentlemen, I am proud to work with you!