Saturday, January 31, 2009

Saturday morning

... I caught up the workout originally planned for Friday night with 20 kg. I stated that in the morning I only like ballistics if any... But I pulled myself together and the TGU was absolutely all right.

20 swing @ 20 kg
4-4 clean&press @ 20 kg (strange thing: this time two ordinary press with left and one with right)
20 swing @ 20 kg
5-5 clean&front squat @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
5-5 TGU @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
5-5 snatch @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg

Friday, January 30, 2009


In my class yesterday the beginners learnt how to clean, and the advaced victims - after some light workout - tested their VO2 max, and after recovered to being able to breath normally again, they made a 10 minutes VO2 max protocol @ 15:15 sec. Great job, guys!

At Ervin’s class in the evening:

10 deadlift facing the wall bars as close as possible @ 16 kg
10-10 one hand deadlift facing the wall bars as close as possible @ 16 kg
10-10 sit back holding the wall bars with one hand, KB in rack position in the other hand @ 16 kg

40 swing @ 16 kg

30-30 shoulder lift @ 16 kg
10-10 shoulder circles with KB in rack position @ 12 kg
1 circle in the gym: Gorilla walk with KB in rack position, half circle left, another half right @ 16 kg

40 swing @ 16 kg

1-2-3-4 clean-side press-saw @ 16 kg
1-2-3 clean-press-overhead squat-saw @ 16 kg
1-2-3-4 clean-press-half press-saw @ 16 kg
40 swing

5-5 situp KB locked overhead legs hold down by the partner @ 12 kg
1 circle in he gym: Gorilla walk on toes with KB in rack position, half circle left, another half right @ 16 kg

40 swing

5-5 situp KB locked overhead legs hold down by the partner @ 12 kg
1 circle in the gym front lunge with ULP @ 16 kg

40 swing

5-5 situp KB locked overhead legs hold down by the partner @ 12 kg

1 min left-1 min right slingshot @ 16 kg

One handed swing ladder @ 12 kg: 1-1, 2-2, 3-3 …. 15-15

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wednesday @ 20 kg

Last night I made the workout skipped on Sunday. I was surprised myself that in spite of the cold it was the first time I really pressed the 20 kg kettlebell without any hip help, heel raise! Two reps with the right hand and one with the left :-)
Special thanks to Ervin for the great tips (e.g. do not look at the bell, gripper in the other hand to have a more perfect tension)! I am really fortunate to have such "professional eyes" around picking up the mistakes which I might not realize while doing the exercises.

2-2 Clean and Front Squat
30 Swing
2-2 Clean and Front Squat
4-4 Clean and Press
2-2 Clean and Front Squat
5-5 Get-up
2-2 Clean and Front Squat
5-5 Snatch
2-2 Clean and Front Squat


On Monday I skipped the training because of a low fever, but fortunately it looks as if the vitamines did their work, recovery has started. On Tuesday I made the class tired first of all by TGU variation and afterwards I worked with the class of Ervin – with respect to the cold with 12 kg.

Class, advanced victims:
10 deadlift+4-4 halo+4-4 ULP
14 deadlift+5-5 halo+5-5 ULP

Bell pressed out – 20-20 shoulder lift

30 swing/7-7 snatch

1-1 TGU
1-1 slow TGU (10 sec up, 10 sec down)
30 swing/7-7 snatch
1-1 slow TGU (10 sec up, 10 sec down)
1-1 slower TGU (15 sec up, 15 sec down)
30 swing/7-7 snatch
1-1 very slow TGU (20 sec up, 20 sec down)
1-1 absolutes slow TGU (25 sec up, 25 sec down)
30 swing/7-7 snatch

1 min ULP to a hold

5-5 snatch / 15 swing

1-1 TGU&windmill
1-1 slow TGU&windmill (10 sec up, 3 sec down, 10 sec down)
5-5 snatch / 15 swing
1-1 slow TGU&windmill (10 sec up, 3 sec down, 10 sec down)
1-1 slower TGU&windmill (15 sec up, 3 sec down, 15 sec down)

5-5 snatch / 15 swing
1-1 very slow TGU&windmill (20 sec up, 4 sec down, 20 sec down)
1-1 absolute slow TGU&windmill (25 sec up, 5 sec down, 25 sec down)
5-5 snatch / 15 swing

1 min ULP to a hold

At Ervin’ class in the evening @ 12 kg
10 deadlift
10-10 SLDL
5-5 halo
1-1, 2-2, 3-3 halo
1-1, 2-2, 3-3 combined halo

10-10 front lunge, KB in rack position

At the wall bars:
hangig with shoulders pulled back ≈20 sec
10 front lunge with 2x12 kg in rack position
hangig with shoulders pulled back ≈20 sec
5 double front squat @2x12 kg
hanging with one hand, pushing with the other, shoulders pulled back ≈20 mp
5 double front squat @2x12 kg

1-2-3-4 clean-press-windmill-saw
1-2-3 clean-press-overhead squat-saw
1-2-3-4-5 clean-press-saw

70 swing
10-10 windscreen wiper
70 swing
10 situp with KB overhead
70 swing
10-10 Russian twist
70 swing
10-10 situp – one leg in the horn of the KB crossing the other
70 swing

Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend @ 20 kg

20 Swing
3-3 Clean and Press
20 Swing
4-4 Clean and Front Squat
20 Swing
5-5 TGU
20 Swing
5-5 Snatch
20 Swing
(+ 4 km jogging with Monti)

2-2 Clean and Press
30 Swing
2-2 Clean and Press
3-3 Clean and Front Squat
2-2 Clean and Press
5-5 TGU
2-2 Clean and Press
5-5 Snatch
2-2 Clean and Press

4 km jogging with Monti, then 2,5 struggling hours: bathing and drying the dog. The latter was really hard: two persons tried to hold her staying still and one dried her (Monti weights 35 kg). I got a little cold thereby, thus vitamins, tea with honey and I skipped the training planned for Sunday. Today I feel a bit better, if it remains until the evening I will catch up.

Friday, January 23, 2009



Beginneres exercised swing and deadlift, learnt the ULP and started to get acquainted with TGU. Advanced victims had the following workout:


10 DL – 5-5 halo
5-5 SLDL – 5-5 halo

5-5 TGU

100 swing (3x rest allowed)

3 sets:
5-5 front squat
5-5 windmill
5-5 windscreen wiper

at the wall bars - 2 sets:
5-5 one handed deadlift
5-5 clean

100 swing (3x rest allowed)

2 sets:
5-5 front lunge
40 iron breath
5-5 back lunge


My training, at the class of Ervin:


2x10 deadlift @ 16 kg

1-1 TGU @ 16 kg
1-1 slow TGU @ 16 kg
1-1 very slow TGU @ 16 kg
1-1 even slower TGU @ 16 kg
1-1 absolute slow TGU @ 16 kg
1-1 utmost slow TGU @ 16 kg

5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
5-5 on the way down slow windmill @ 16 kg
5-5 quick windmill @ 16 kg
5-5 low(16 kg)-and-high(12 kg) windmill
5-5 low(12 kg)-and-high(16 kg) windmill

80 two hand swing @ 16 kg
1,5 min ULP to a hold @ 16 kg
80 two hand swing @ 16 kg
1,5 min ULP @ 16 kg

80 hand to hand swing @ 16 kg
1 circle in the gym with front lunge-ULP @ 16 kg
80 two hand swing @ 16 kg

One handed swing ladder @ 16 kg: 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7, 8-8, 9-9, 10-10


Wednesday, January 21, 2009



10 DL – 5-5 halo
5-5 SLDL – 5-5 halo

3 sets:
10-10 one handed swing
2-2 TGU
5-5 windmill
5 goblet squat
5-5 snatch

Tabata 1: 20 sec on:10 sec off, 4 min
see-saw press / swing

5-5 ULP

Tabata 2: 20 sec on:10 sec off, 4 min

5-5 ULP

Tabata 3: 20 sec on:10 sec off, 4 min
see-saw press / swing


Beginners made a deadlift-swing-ULP workout and absolute beginners leart to swing. Everybody kicked ass, nice work, folks! To those hit by the flu: get better soon and do not touch a kettlebell as long as you have fever!

Workout at Ervin's class:


10 deadlift, 5-5 halo
10 SLDL, 5-5 halo
10 SLDL, 5-5 halo

5-5 clean&press @ 16 kg
5x1-1 clean&press with extra tension @ 16 kg

3 sets:
5-5 bottom up clean @ 12 kg
2-2 bottom up press @ 12 kg
5-5 renegade row with tumbled KB @ 12 kg

100 swing @ 16 kg

at the bar walls:
5-5 split squat, back leg hooked into the bars @ 16 kg
5-5 split squat, one front leg hooked into the bars @ 16 kg
5-5 pistol without KB with upper grip
5-5 pistol without KB with low grip
1-1 pistol with KB (to be developed further) @ 12 kg

100 swing @ 16 kg

3 sets:
10-10 Russian twist @ 16 kg
5-5 windmill

100 swing @ 16 kg


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, @ 16 kg


10 deadlift - 5-5 halo
10 deadlift - 5-5 halo

25 swing

1-2-3-4 clean-press-windmill-saw
10-10 small windscreen wiper

3 sets:
10 situp
5 good morning
4-4 situp, KB locked overhead legs hold down by the partner
10-10 Russian tw

25 swing

15-15 high pull
5-5 ULP to a hold
15-15 high pull
10-10 ULP
15-15 high pull
5-5 ULP


Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekend, @ 20 kg

I started to train with 20 kg, so far cautiously:

Friday (after 6 hours of driving):
20 Swing
2-2 Clean and Press (left: 2 push-press, right: 1 push-press, 1 with hip help)
20 Swing
3-3 Clean and Front Squat
20 Swing
5-5 Windmill (the room was too small for TGU)
20 Swing
5-5 Snatch
20 Swing

Saturday (after 7 hours of skiing):
1-1 Clean and Press
30 Swing
1-1 Clean and Press
3-3 Clean and Front Squat
1-1 Clean and Press
5-5 Windmill
1-1 Clean and Press
5-5 Snatch
1-1 Clean and Press
(left: 2 presses with hip help, right: 3 presses with hip help, the rest push-press - yet)

Sunday (after 1 hour of skiing + 5 hours of driving)
2-2 Clean and Front Squat
30 Swing
2-2 Clean and Front Squat
3-3 Clean and Press (left: 1 press with hip help, right: 2 presses with hip help)
2-2 Clean and Front Squat
5-5 Windmill
2-2 Clean and Front Squat
5-5 Snatch
2-2 Clean and Front Squat

Friday, January 16, 2009


The advanced victims of the class had the following workout:


10 deadlift+5-5 halo
12 deadlift+5-5 halo
14 deadlift+5-5 halo

2 sets: 5-5 bent press+5-5 front lunge+5-5 ULP

1-1 TGU
1-1 TGU+windmill
1-1 TGU+windmill+floor press+armbar press

100 swing (may be dropped 3 times)

1-1 TGU+3 para press
1-1 TGU+3 para press+1 side press
1-1 TGU+3 para press+2 side press

100 swing (may be dropped 4 times)

2 sets: 5-5 windmill+5-5 windscreen wiper+5-5 back lunge

100 swing (may be dropped 4 times)


, and the beginners learnt the deadlift and ULP and the basis of swing. Congrat to all, nice work, I am proud of you! :-)
In the evening at Ervin:


2x10 deadlift at the wall bars @ 16 kg
2x5-5 SLDL at the wall bars @ 16 kg
5-5 halo @ 12 kg
5-5 halo @ 12 kg
5 combined halo @ 12 kg

6-6 TGU @ 16 kg

30-30 shoulder lift, KB hold above the head locked out @ 16 kg

at the wall bars:
5-5 deadlift hanging with one hand @ 16 kg
2x5-5 front squat hanging with one hand @ 16 kg
5-5 press hanging with one hand @ 16 kg

5-5 front squat @ 16 kg
5-5 front squat&lift on toes @ 16 kg
5-5 front squat&lift on toes @ 16 kg

3 sets:
5-5 floor press @ 16 kg
5-5 front squat @ 16 kg
10 swing @ 16 kg

40 swing @ 16 kg
10 swing+swing-catch squat @ 16 kg
10-10 swing+clean @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 16 kg
5-5 swing-clean-squat @ 16 kg
15-15 one handed swing @ 16 kg
30 swing @ 16 kg
1 min ULP@ 16 kg
20 left handed swing @ 16 kg
20 right handed swing @ 16 kg

armbar stretch@ 16 kg

Went to ski to Austria for the weekend, taking one KB, too... :-)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Together with the class @ 16 kg:


10 deadlift

2 sets: 5-5 SLDL+5-5 halo+5 ULP

1-2-3 clean-squat-press with the swung of the stan dup-saw+5-5 front lunge
1-2-3 clean-squat-press-stand up-saw+5-5 back lunge
1-2-3 clean-press-overhead squat-saw+5-5 fornt lunge

20 swing

2-2 TGU+windmill+floor press+armbar press

20 swing

30 sec ULP

10 min swing, 30 mp on: 30 mp off (21 reps)

10 ULP
5-5 windscreen wiper
5-5 windmill


Two hours later, at the class of Ervin @ 12 kg:


10 deadlift
10-10 SLDL
10 deadlift on toes

1-2-3 clean-press-5xon toes and back down-saw
1-2-3 clean-front lunge to half kneeing position-press-back to clean-stand up-saw
1-2-3 clean-front lunge to half kneeing position, front leg on toes-press-back to clean-stand up-saw

5-5 floor press
4-4 floor press+1-1 armbar press
3-3 floor press+2-2 armbar press

10 ULP

2x5-5 front squat
3x5-5 clean at the wall bars, hanging with one hand

30 swing
10-10 one handed swing
10-10 snatch
10 ULP

4 min H2H swing
30 mp on : 30 mp off
40 mp on : 20 mp off
50 mp on : 10 mp off
60 mp on

10 ULP


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bernese MOUNTAIN Dog

Side press vs. bent press

If still having questions I highly recommend to check out the short video of David Whitley, Senior RKC!


I was a bit late - walked Monti...


10 deadlift @16 kg

5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg

1-2-3 clean-squat-press-saw @ 16 kg
5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg

1-2-3 clean-squat-press-saw @ 16 kg
5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg

10 situp @ 16 kg
5-5 floor press @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 16 kg

5-5 situp, legs hold down by the partner @ 16 kg
4-4 floor press+3-3 armbar press @ 16 kg
10-10 Russian twist @ 16 kg

6-6 situp, legs hold down by the partner @ 12 kg
4-4 floor press+3-3 armbar press @ 16 kg
10-10 Russian twist @ 16 kg

30 swing @ 16 kg
5-5 nyolcas @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 16 kg
10-10 high pull @ 16 kg
10-10 ULP @ 16 kg
10-10 snatch @ 16 kg
10-10 ULP to a hold@ 16 kg


Monday, January 12, 2009

Sunday evening swing


2x50 swing @ 20 kg
5x20 swing @ 40 kg


Sundays lately

Monti and her grandma :-)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday, @ 20 kg


3x5 deadlift

20 swing
2-2 TGU
20 swing
2-2 TGU
20 swing
2-2 TGU
20 swing
2-2 TGU
20 swing
2-2 TGU
20 swing


Friday, January 9, 2009

Powered by Ervin

Thursday, @ 16 kg


2x10 deadlift
10 good morning
10 back stretching pull
6-6 halo
2x5-5 halo
5-5 TGU
100 swing
5-5 clean&press
5-5 saw
5-5 military press
5-5 saw
1-1 military press pulling down in 5 phases
1-1 saw letting down in 5 phases
100 swing
10-10 catch-up situp
30-30 sec climbing on the wall bars with one hand holding the KB in the other
3-3 clean&jerk
3-3 clean&jerk
10-10 jerk
10-10 LCCJ
30-30 one handed swing
30-30 sec walk with the KB in the locked out hand above


KB class...

... is catching up :-) I am proud of them, they worked hard yesterday at the first training in 2009 for most of them:


2 sets: 10 deadlift+5-5 halo+5-5 ULP
2 sets: 5-5 clean&press&saw+5-5 front lunge+20 swing
2 sets: 5-5 bent press&windmill+5-5 back lunge+20 darc swing
2 sets: 3-3 TGU+10-10 windscreen wiper+10 swing&catch&squat
2 sets: 3-3 floor press-2-2 armbar press+5-5 Russian twist+20 swing
2 sets: 5-5 snatch+5-5 ULP to hold+15-15 one handed swing


Of course welcome to the first newcomer in the class, he was highly enthusiastic and good, too (the others want to come on Tuesday, look forward to meet them)!

First workout with the class

The New Year's Eve Party must have been a hit for many victims :-), the first class was attended by a few people but spent in very familiar and cheerful manner - I made the workout with them on Tuesday:

@ 16 kg

5-5 halo
10 deadlift
5 combined halo
5-5 SLDL
20 swing
2x5-5 clean&press+5-5 saw
20 swing
2x5-5 bent press+5-5 windscreen wiper
20 swing
2-2 TGU
20 swing
10-10 front lunge
20 swing
5-5 windmill
20 swing
10-10 back lunge
20 swing
5-5 floor press
20 swing
5-5 armbar press
20 swing
40 iron breath
20 swing
5-5 Russian twist
20 swing
5-5 Russian twist with legs lifted
20 swing
5-5 snatch


First workout in 2009 (Monday, 5 January)

@ 16 kg


10 deadlift
5-5 halo
1-2-3 clean-press-saw ladder

10-10 windscreen wiper
30 swing
1-2-3 clean-press-overhead squat ladder
5-5 situp holding the kb in lockout position, legs hold down by a partner
10-10 Russian twist
5-5 windmill
3-3 floor press+2-2 armbar press
30 swing
1-2-3 clean-press-windmill ladder

3-3 situp holding the kb in lockout position, legs hold down by a partner
10-10 Russian twist
5-5 bent press
3-3 floor press+2-2 armbar press
30 swing
10-10 nyolcas kéztámasszal
30 swing
15-15 high pull
10-10 ULP
30 swing
10-10 snatch
15-15 one handed swing
10-10 snatch
10-10 ULP


Between Christmas and New Year's Eve...

... we spent the time at a beautiful place, Val Gardena (Italy) skiing, skitouring, ice and rock climbing - and some times with the kettlebell, too (10x20 swing @ 20 kg; deadlift ladder and ULP @ 20 kg). Back home again we made a big trip with Monti, who was attended during our absence by her breeder, Zoli Baffia and her grandma, Helmi.