Friday, May 15, 2009


The class was represented by the beginner part who got acquainted with the bent press – they learnt it well, congratulations!

JM, Standing rotation, Naked TGU, Rotation stability
10-10 one handed deadlift, 5-5 halo, 10 swing-catch-squat, 5-5 ULP
1-2-3-4-5(-6/-7) (l, r) one handed swing ladder
pressing down helped by partner, bent press learning
1-2-3 (l, r) bent press ladder
1-2-3 (l, r) bent press ladder
1-2-3 (l, r) bent press ladder
1-2-3-4-5(-6/-7) (l, r) one handed swing ladder
1-2-3-4 (l, r) windmill ladder
1-2-3-4 (l, r) windmill ladder
1-2-3-4-5(-6/-7) (l, r) one handed swing ladder
1-2-1 (l, r) TGU ladder
1-2-1 (l, r) TGU ladder
1-2-3-4-5(-6/-7) (l, r) one handed swing ladder

At home I wanted a short training and thought it would be a good opportunity to make friends with the 28 kg KB. (200 swing per 20 reps). I played with the clubbell, too, only I do not know the names of the exercises (will replace):

2x20 swing @ 28 kg
5-5-5-5 (l, r) different clubbell lifts @ 4 kg
2x20 swing @ 28 kg
5-5-5-5 (l, r) different clubbell lifts @ 4 kg
2x20 swing @ 28 kg
5-5-5-5 (l, r) different clubbell lifts @ 4 kg
2x20 swing @ 28 kg
5-5-5-5 (l, r) different clubbell lifts @ 4 kg
2x20 swing @ 28 kg
5-5-5-5 (l, r) different clubbell lifts @ 4 kg
2x20 swing @ 28 kg
1-1 pistol @ 4 kg clubbell
Stretch, Tiger Tail

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Attended the class of Tamás. Hope to remember everything correctly.

10 deadlift to chin @ 20 kg
5-5 halo @16 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 front lunge @ 20 kg
1-2-3-4-5 (l, r) swing ladder @ 20 kg
10 situp @ 20 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
5-5 floor press @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
10 situp @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper
1-2-3-4-5 (l, r) swing ladder @ 20 kg
3-3 back lunge @ 20 kg
10 situp @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 military press @ 20 kg
5-5 Russian twist in straddle @ 20 kg
1-2-3-4-5 (l, r) swing ladder @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper 20 kg
5 ULP @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
SMR, Stretch

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Yesterday, with respect to the weather it was a „lighter” class. Of course, under the circumstances, it was not easy either :-)
3-3 standing rotation
5 French press

30/40/50 swing
3 sets: 10-10 one handed deadlift – 5-5 halo – 5-5 ULP to hold
30/40/50 swing
3 sets: 3-3 half kneeling press– 5-5 front-back lunge with ULP – 5-5 kneeling halo
30/40/50 swing

3 sets: 3-3 single legged military press – 3-3 single legged renegade row – 5-5 Russian twist
30/40/50 swing
3 sets: 1-1/2-2 TGU-overhead squat-windmill
30/40/50 swing

At home we curled up with Monti for a small nap. It lasted until this morning… must have been tired…

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Yesterday the weather was pretty warm and the atmospheric pressure felt uneasy thus I decided for a not too hard workout:

10-10 ASLR @ 12 kg
3x3-3 pistol @ 12 kg, one pistol without KB – left leg
4x1-1 BUP @ 16 kg
5x3-3 single legged military press @ 16 kg
8x1-1 bent press @ 20 kg

Monday, May 11, 2009


Without any mystifying: I became an RKC one year ago. Thanks to everyone who contributed (are or will be contributing :-)), to those I could train since then, I trained with, and I continually learn from :-)My training yesterday – maybe inspired by the anniversary? ;-) – I reached some breakthrough: 2x2 fully regular (!) military pressw @ 20 kg; 4 right handed and 3 left handed full OK BUP @ 16 kg, 3x3-3 pistol @ 12 kg, pistol with left leg without KB, single legged BUP @ 12 kg with right J (Videos to follow hopefully soon…)
And what I was very happy about: Kata made her first successful windmills @ 20 kg, first try successful bent press @20 kg, many BUP @ 12 kg (first time, too), single legged presses :-D. It was great having such a motivated training partner!

3x3-3 pistol @ 12 kg
1 pistol without KB
5x1-1 bottom up press @ 16 kg
5-5 floor press @ 16 kg
4x2-2 clean&press @ 20 kg
(left 2, right 1 push press)
8x3-3 single legged military press @ 16 kg
1 single legged bottom up press @ 12 kg


Wednesday, 7 May

After a day’s rest – I felt it necessary – the training went really well, I felt the presses with 20 kg more and more J
10-10 ASLR @ 16 kg
3x3-3 pistol @ 12 kg
5x5-5 BUP @ 12 kg
4x2-2 clean&press @ 20 kg
8x3-3 single legged military press @ 16 kg
5-5 windmill @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
Afterwards we went on grass with Ervin and trained an hour every kind of ballistics for the TGU&KGB seminar. One thing I can promise: it will be exciting ;-)

Thursday, May 8:

Tamas and his class joined us again:

Naked TGU,
Standing rotation,
5-5 ASLR

3 sets: 10 deadlift – 10 swing-catch-squat – 10 ULP

3 sets:
6 see-saw press - 6 double lat pull – 20 swing
8 see-saw press - 4-4 one sided lat pull, other hand holding the KB – 10-10 one handed swing
10 see-saw press – 6-6 renegade row – 20 DARC swing

3 sets:
2-2 (1-1) TGU-windmill – 5-5 snatch / high pull / clean / one handed swing
2-2 (1-1) TGU-windmill-floor press – 5-5 snatch / high pull / clean / one handed swing
2-2 (1-1) TGU-windmill-floor press-armbar press – 5-5 snatch / high pull / clean / one handed swing

3 sets: 3-3 half kneeling press, narrowing the kneeling distance – 10 situp-standup – 10-10 around the world

One handed swing ladders: 1-5, 1-6, 1-8

SMR, Stretch

Nice work, ladies and gentlemen!

At Ervin’s class:

10 deadlift-10-10 one handed deadlift @ 20 kg
5-5 halo @ 16 kg
5-5 shoulder rotation @16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 military press @ 16 kg
2x3-3 double press @ 2x16 kg
10-10 one handed swing@ 16 kg
3 min: 15sec on:15 sec off: see-saw press @ 2x16 kg / swing @ 16 kg
2x5-5 double clean @ 2x 16 kg
10-10 front lunge, KB in clean position @ 16 kg
2x10-10 front lunge, KB locked out @ 16 kg
6 min: 20 sec on:10 sec off: military press / swing @ 16 kg
10 ULP @16 kg
10 ULP to hold @ 16 kg
10-10 ULP with one legged lunge front and back @ 16 kg
5 min dictated ballistics: swing /one handed swing(b, j) / clean

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Ervin made the USSS snatch test (maximum snatch reps @ 24 kg in ten minutes with as many rests as necessary) again on Sunday: 252 reps! The next try we will record on video – he is slowly getting close to transfer into another dimension :-)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


6x3-3 egylábas military press @ 16 kg
3x2-2 clean&press @ 20 kg (4 szabályos, 3 jobbal, 1 ballal)
8x4-4 BUP @ 12 kg
10-10 ASLR @ 16 kg
2x3-3 pistol @ 12 kg
10-10 ASLR @ 16 kg

Monday, May 4, 2009


Friday was a rest day, on Saturday we went to climb, I climbed 8 routes toprope (VI-VII-), it felt great. Afterwards we walked Monti, at the end she got a harness put on and learnt how to draw a 4 kg kettlebell (photo will follow :-).

Saturday workout:

10-10 ASLR, KB in the opposite hand @ 12 kg
1-1 bent press @ 20 kg
1-1 bent press @ 24 kg
6x2-2 pistol @ 12 kg
5x3-3 single legged military press @ 16 kg
1-2-3 cps (b, j) @ 20 kg (1-1 press, the others were push presses – well, after climbing and bent pressing 24 kg...)
5x4-4 bottom up press @ 12 kg
5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
4-4 windmill @ 20 kg
5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
2x10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 16 kg

In the afternoon we went to climb, this time we tried lead climbing again after a long lapse. Ervin climbed a V+ and a VI route but I climbed back from these: for one I was too small and in the other I could not persuade myself to continue. We changed to another wall where I lead climbed a nice route of V (after that we were ousted by the mosquitos). I have to lead climb again whereas the toprope of Saturday has clearly shown that I have no problem with force and technique (at my grade of lately) but I have to rebuild in my brain.

Sunday kettlebell workout:
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
2-2 bent press @ 20 kg
1-1 bent press @ 24 kg
2-2 bent press @ 20 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
10-10 ASLR, KB in the opposite hand @ 16 kg
3-3 TGU @ 16 kg
2-2 TGU @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
2-2 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 TGU @ 16 kg

Thursday, 30 April

On Thursday I held two trainings, the first for my class where we hosted Tamás and his class (they were locked out from the high school because of the celebration of the graduates). We used the opportunity an Tamás has presented a little SMR.

RS correction,
Standing rotation
3-3 full rolling armbar press with shoulder rotation
3-3 half kneeling 2H BUP
10 hindu squat
2 sets: 5-5 overhead squat/front squat – 5-5 windmill – 10 ULP/ULP to hold
6 min, 15 sec on:15 sec off: clean&press / with same hand one handed swing
2 sets: 1-2-3 bent press-saw létra (l, r)
2 sets: 10-10 ASLR KB-lel in the opposite hand – 3-3 TGU – 10-10 windscreen wiper
60 swing

It is always a pleasure to substitute at Ervin’s class – he has a group of great and enthusiastic young people, like this night, they worked really hard:
3-3 standing rotation
3-3 half kneeling 2H BUP
10 hindu squat
3 sets: 5-5 overhead squat/front squat – 5-5 windmill – 10 ULP/ULP to hold
6 min, 15 sec on:15 sec off: clean&press / with same hand one handed swing
3 sets: 1-2-3 bent press-saw ladder (b, j)
5 min, 15 sec on:15 sec off: Viking push press or jerk
3 sets: 10-10 ASLR – KB pressed out in the opposite hand – 3-3 TGU – 10-10 windscreen wiper
5 min, 15 sec on:15 sec off: snatch/clean
Short training at home:
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
2-2 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 TGU @16 kg
5 min, 15 sec on:15 sec off: Viking push press, 7 reps / set