Thursday, August 6, 2009


Improvement and fatigue. I was not really fit this morning, arriving at 6.45 a.m. at the Gym to train with Adam. A little warm up, behind the neck pull downs and cable rows and then go to pull-ups. 3x1 chinup (the third went for a second try, fist I kicked the tool L). Question from Adam after the second rep: „Well, you do that better now being tired and sleepy than on Tuesday when you were fresh. Half asleep would you tear down the handle?” :-) After the third: „Now that was great!” :-):-) In the following, we trained the critical exercises (those which has not been valuated as „very good” at the course) at I was happy to see that a definite improvement can be seen at each. To be honest, at the end, doing the abs-supersets I gnashed my teeth… but finished them. However, I had only little sleep in the past days, for this training it was worth again to get up early – Adam, thank you!

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