Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cathing up...

Last Tuesday, March 24
10 deadlift
5-5 halo
3-3 rotary stability roll over
1-1 TGU without KB
2-2 bent press without KB
3-3 windmill, pulled to the KB down

3-3 half kneeling bent press smallest weight
2-2 half kneeling bent press middle weight
1-1 half kneeling bent press heavy weight
2-2 half kneeling bent press middle weight
3-3 half kneeling bent press smallest weight
40 swing
3-3 bent press smallest weight
2-2 bent press middle weight
1-1 bent press heavy weight
2-2 bent press middle weight
3-3 bent press smallest weight
40 swing
3-3 bent press-windmill-overhead squat smallest weight
2-2 bent press-windmill-overhead squat middle weight
1-1 bent press-windmill-overhead squat heavy weight
2-2 bent press-windmill-overhead squat middle weight
3-3 bent press-windmill-overhead squat smallest weight
40 swing
5 goblet squat
2 squat with knees closed
2 squat with knees closed with KB
2-2 pistol preparation jump
1-1 pistol, on two legs on the way up
1-1 pistol preparation jump
1-1 pistol
2 sets without break:
3-3 windmill - 4-4 clean - 2-2 bent press - 5-5 snatch / high pull / one handed swing - 5 goblet squat - 20 swing

At Ervin’s class in the night:

2x5-5 halo @ 16 kg
5-5 lifting from shoulder to shoulder above the head @ 16 kg
5 French press @ 16 kg

1-2-3-4-5 clean-press-saw (b, j) @ 16 kg
1-2-3-4-5 clean-press-saw (b, j) @ 16 kg
1-2-3-4 clean-press-saw (b, j) @ 16 kg
40 swing
5-5 see-saw floor press @ 2x16 kg
5-5 see-saw floor press @ 2x16 kg
5 double squat @ 2x16 kg
5 double squat @ 2x16 kg
10 windscreen wiper @ 2x16 kg
10 windscreen wiper @ 2x16 kg
10 double clean @ 2x16 kg
10 double clean @ 2x16 kg
50 hand to hand swing @16 kg
1 min ULP @ 16 kg
1 min Viking push press (l) @ 16 kg, 1 min rest 1 min Viking push press (r) @ 16 kg

Wednesday, March 25
Hope to recall it correct:

10 pullup @ 20 kg
6-6 halo @ 16 kg
5-5 military press @ 16 kg
10 goblet squat @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle @16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 press in straddle@ 16 kg
10 situp in straddle @16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10-10 Russian twist in straddle @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
3-3 press in straddle @ 16 kg
10 situp in straddle @16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
3-3 halo in straddle @ 16 kg
10-10 Russian twist in straddle @ 16
25 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 press in straddle @ 16 kg
10 situp in straddle @16 kg
3-3 halo in straddle @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10-10 Russian twist in straddle @ 16 kg
30 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 half kneeling military press @ 16 kg
5-5 one handed SLDL @ 20 kg
5-5 ULP to hold @ 20 kg
3-3 in-line military press @16 kg
3-3 TGU @ 20 kg
10-10 high pull @ 20 kg
5-5 ULP to hold @ 20 kg
40 swing @ 20 kg
SMR, stretching

Last Thursday, March 26
Class, Russian ladders:
10 deadlift 5-5 halo
3-3 rotary stability rollover
1-1 TGU without KB
1-1 TGU rotation
3-3 TGU smallest weight
2-2 TGU middle weight
1-1 TGU heavy weight
2-2 TGU middle weight
3-3 TGU smallest weight
10 ULP
3-3 windmill smallest weight
2-2 windmill middle weight
1-1 windmill heavy weight
2-2 windmill middle weight
3-3 windmill smallest weight
10 ULP
3-3 TGU smallest weight
2-2 TGU middle weight
1-1 TGU heavy weight
2-2 TGU middle weight
3-3 TGU smallest weight
10 ULP
3-3 windmill smallest weight
2-2 windmill middle weight
1-1 windmill heavy weight
2-2 windmill middle weight
3-3 windmill smallest weight
10 ULP
5 min VO2 max, 15 sec on:15 sec off, 10 sets, snatch/clean
You all have developed a lot in your TGU, I am proud of You!

At Ervin’s class in the night:
10 deadlift @ 16 kg
12 deadlift @ 16 kg
5-5 halo @16 kg
6-6 halo @ 16 kg

1-2-3-4 clean-press-saw (l, r) @ 16 kg
1-2-3 clean-press-saw (l, r) @ 16 kg
1-2-3 clean-press-saw (l, r) @ 16 kg
1-2-3 clean-press-saw (l, r) @ 16 kg
1-2-3 clean-press-saw (l, r) @ 16 kg
2x30 swing @ 16 kg
3-3 armbar press @ 16 kg
3-3 renegade row @ 16 kg
10-10 windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @16 kg
3-3 armbar press @ 16 kg
3-3 renegade row @ 16 kg
10-10 windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
5-5 snatch up-windmill-snatch down @ 16 kg
6-6 snatch up-windmill-snatch down @ 16 kg
8-8 Viking push press-windmill-Viking push press @ 16 kg
10 ULP @ 16 kg
10-10 snatch @ 16 kg
12-12 snatch @ 16 kg
60 swing @ 16 kg
80 swing @ 16 kg

Stirring but fruitful weekend

Friday was a planned rest day, on Saturday I had lessons at the Physical Education College, afterwards a make-her-tired walk with Monti and then came to bath and dry the dog. What shall I say, the latter was equal to a workout. Monti tolerated bathing more or less but she hates being dried, three of us kept her down and Zoli made the drying. Meanwhile we had to pay attention not to devastate her fur where already dried… I will not go int further details.
The result was a more beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog Girl, who slowly forgave us. That is was worth all the work, turned out on Sunday: as a debut participant on a dog show, Moonlight of Szárazpatak (Szárazpataki Holdfény, the official name of Monti) received a judgement „excellent” and won the class of young female bernese mountain dogs! Little Monti, we are very-very proud of you!!! Photos are coming soon :-) Thanks for the support for the bathing-drying team and for everything to Zoli, breeder of little Monti :-D

Sunday workout:
2 sets:
3x1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
30 swing @ 24 kg
2 sets:
5-5 windmill @ 24 kg
5-5 clean @ 24 kg
2 sets:
20 iron breath @ 24 kg
5 nyolcas @ 24 kg
SMR, Tiger Tail

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sunday Russian ladder

It is always worth to keep Ervin's advice. He suggested Russian ladder for my workout yesterday night and I have to admit that it was really effective. Try it and you will understand what I am thinking of! ;-)

1-1 TGU @16 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kgTGU
Russian ladder (continuosly per side without rest with one weight):
3-3 TGU @ 16 kg
2-2 TGU @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
2-2 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 TGU @ 16 kg
Windmill orosz létra:
4-4 windmill @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
2-2 windmill @ 24 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
4-4 windmill @ 16 kg
Brettzel, SMR

Sunday, March 22, 2009

SMR advisor

The SMR advisor course was yesterday, we talked over everything very detailed due to the familiar mood – extra thanks to Feri for his patience regarding the questions. I am very happy to have made a closer acquaintance with Balazs – he is a great person and you can only respect his trainings, too.
I could write long odes on how awesome and useful the course was but prefer a proof instead:
Yesterday evening I made an FMS test asked by a victim and troubleshooting her TGU. As already written by Feri, too, the test and the TGU have shown in full synch the same mistakes (asymmetry 2 in HS and ILL, inflexible hip). Prior to the corrective drills I took the foam roller and we started to work on the problem areas. No more surprise for me that – confirming the forecast of Feri – I could score with a very good hit proportion in advance which area would hurt and where, and after half an hour of SMR the hip lift improved a lot! Of course she has to work on the asymmetry but I wait a significant improvement by combining SMR and FMS corrective drills very soon (I will report on the results).
I did not spare the work for myself, either: I played with the Tiger Tail – it is a blessing for my neck, and a stiff trigger point in my left shoulder is giving in to the Knobble. The pain in my knee vanished after 10 minutes of SMR on the corresponding areas.
It is great to feel that I not only can begin something with the problems but can handle them :-) I am keen on this stuff, thanks for Feri for everything so far and I hope – actually am quite sure – that there will be a lot to thank for in the future, as well!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Inspired by Peter Lakatos, RKC II Team Leader

Both the flat and the garden were empty on Friday night without Ervin and Monti. They were at the countryside but on Saturday I had the SMR advisor course thus could not accompany them. What else could I have done but a great workout?
Having been impressed by the training hold by Peter I got the inspiration from him. I started each exercise with 16 kg to have my body get used to the right performance before switching weight where applicable. This has proven to be a good idea – I made TGUs with 24 kg for the third time and I can report that my heel stayed on the ground! Another great thing: I could make pistols with 16 kg on both legs for the first try ever (so far I made pistols with 12 kg). Not by chance: beforehand I always made the introduction drill shown by Peter :-)
4x1-1 TGU @ 16 kg
10 swing @ 16 kg
3x1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
10 swing @ 20 kg
2x1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
10 swing @ 24 kg
3-3 lat pull @ 16 kg
3-3 lat pull @ 20 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 16 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 24 kg
1-1 pistol @ 16 kg
10 ULP @16 kg
1-1 pistol @ 16 kg
10 ULP @ 20 kg
1-1 pistol @ 16 kg
10 ULP @ 24 kg
5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
10 ULP @ 16 kg
5-5 windmill @ 20 kg
10 ULP @ 20 kg
5-5 windmill @ 24 kg
10 ULP @ 24 kg
10-10 windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
10 ULP @ 16 kg
10-10 windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10 ULP @ 20 kg
20 iron breath @ 24 kg
10 ULP @ 24 kg
FMS: 3x10-10 ASLR correction leg raise
Brettzel, SMR

Special Guest Stars

My class and the hard core of Ervin’s class had a special experience on Thursday: Peter Lakatos, RKC II, Team Leader accepted the invitation and he hold the training. I do not think it necessary to introduce Peter, but I want to tell that I do not only respect him very much for his excellent technical knowledge but at least the same for the way he can transmit this to the victims.
Belonging to those lucky ones who started kettlebell at Peter, I thought the class deserves to experience at least once who we owe our thanks for having introduced KBs to Hungary and to understand why I – and the other RKCs – regard Peter as absolute icon and role model.
Peter „brought along” Ferenc Csiky, RKC, FMS and SMR advisor to assist – that means, Feri helped to detect the problems. Thanks to his presence I used the opportunity and joined the class in training (who would have been so fool to miss it?!) J As agreed, the menu was bent press and pistol. It was utmost efficient, we received practical guidance with exercising not being relaxation, as well, but I have to praise the workout, too.
The awesome in Peter is that he has a simple solution – like Ooops! Really! – for everything. E.g. I could do the pistol so far only with my left leg. Peter has shown a preliminary exercise, I did it three times and after that – and since then – I can make the right leg pistol, as well!
That the guys did feel the honor was proved by the fact that the conversation with Peter and Feri after the class lasted further one and a half hour and the company parted very slowly (I do not want to say that they were listened to in respectful silence, but nearby…)

The workout was the following (do as many sets as you like – we had time for two, without any break):
2-2 bent press
10-10 snatch
5 goblet squat
25 swing
Peter, Feri, thank you very much again!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


10 DL, 5-5 halo, 5-5 ULP
1-1 TGU rotation
1-2-3 clean-press-saw (l,r)
40 swing (1)
1-2-3 windmill
40 swing (2)
3-3 half kneeling press on opposite leg
3-3 lat pull
3-3 half kneeling press on same leg
3-3 lat pull
40 swing (3)
3-3 half kneeling bent press on opposite leg
3-3 row
3-3 half kneeling bent press on same leg
3-3 row
40 swing (4)
3-3 clean-press-windmill-kneeling-bent press
40 swing (5)
3-3 clean-squat-press-windmill
40 swing (6)
5-5 clean-press-front lunge with same leg
10 situp in saddle lifting the KB from behind of the head
10-10 windscreen wiper
40 swing (7)
5-5 clean-press-front lunge with same leg
10-10 Russian twist
10-10 windscreen wiper
40 swing (8)
10-10 back lunge with ULP
30 iron breath
40 swing (9)
5-5 double windmill
5 three-phase windscreen wiper
40 swing (10)

400 swings altogether, nice work, gentlemen!

At Ervin’s class:

3x7-7 halo @ 12 kg
2x 15 deadlift @ 16 kg
1-2-3 clean-press-saw ladder (l,r) @ 16 kg
1-1 clean-press-front lunge-press-clean-press-back lunge-press-clean-press @16 kg
3-3 lat pull @ 16 kg
1-2 ladder (l,r) clean-press-front lunge-press-clean-press-back lunge-press-clean-press @ 16 kg
6-6 lat pull @ 16 kg
3-3 clean-squat-press @ 16 kg
3-3 lat pull
3x1-2-3 ladder (l,r) clean-squat-press-saw @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill position, pull down to the KB (stretching)
3-3 windmill&pull down to the KB (stretching) @ 16 kg
10 situp lifting the KB from behind and pressing with both hands above the head, legs hold down by partner @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill&pull down to the KB (stretching) @ 16 kg
10 situp lifting the KB from behind and pressing with both hands above the head, legs hold down by partner @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill&diagonal pull down to the KB (stretching) @ 16 kg
10 situp lifting the KB from behind and pressing with both hands above the head, legs hold down by partner @ 16 kg
7 min, pro one min:
20 swing @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 16 kg
20 swing, every 2. high swing @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 16 kg
1 min ULP @16 kg
20 high swing @ 16 kg
1-1 armbar stretch @ 16 kg, stretching

Check your swing stance!

Question: why is one of my knees aching during swinging? Let us see: shoulders back, hip snap, tension OK, breathing OK… Oops! Foot position? Remember what you heard at the very beginning when you learnt how to perform the deadlift: when you are sinking for the KB, your knees shall be above your feet! The same applies for swing, too. Do not let yourself overcome by the „routine”, check the right starting position, tension (look out that no obstacles be around you) before each exercise to avoid pain or what is worse, injury – that is the way you can work really effective!
At home it can be useful to do the workout in front of the mirror, record the exercises and watch yourself afterwards – you will be surprised! – or ask an RKC to check the problem exercises. Each solution which brings you nearer to the perfect performance of the exercises is useful. Power to you! :-)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


10 deadlift @ 20 kg
3-3 windmill pull down (stretching) @ 20 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
1-2-3-4 clean-press-saw ladder@ 20 kg
5 French press @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
3-3 side press @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
6-6 front lunge, KB in rack position @ 20 kg
5 French press @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 bent press @ 20 kg
5 French press @ 16 kg
3-3 halo in straddle @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 half kneeling press @ 16 kg
3-3 press in straddle @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
3-3 clean-squat-press @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle, lifting the KB from behind and pressing with both hands above the head @16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 clean-squat-press-windmill @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle, lifting the KB from behind and pressing with both hands above the head @16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 floor press @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle, lifting the KB from behind and pressing with both hands above the head @16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10-10 high pull @ 20 kg
4-4 floor press+3-3 armbar press @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle, lifting the KB from behind and pressing with both hands above the head @16 kg
40 swing @ 20 kg
5 ULP @ 20 kg
SMR, stretching

Monday, March 16, 2009


On Saturday we went bouldering. It was great to touch the rock again, we caught up relatively fast and it was a great play to try to solve the boulder problems. Our hands get used to the cold stone, only Monti was not contented – not being the centre of the universe for a while, but afterwards she was satisfied with a walk :-)

Sunday night:
5x1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
10x20 swing @ 24 kg
ASLR correction - leg raise 3x10-10
Brettzel, stretching
It felt fine - a great way to close the week :-)

Friday, March 13, 2009


10 DL, 5-5 halo, 5-5 ULP
5 double SLDL, 5-5 halo, 5-5 ULP
1-1 TGU rotation

5-5 TGU

5-5 high pull / snatch / clean
5-5 low windmill
5-5 high pull / snatch / clean
5-5 windmill
5-5 high pull / snatch / clean
3-3 double windmill
5-5 high pull / snatch / clean

3-3 TGU

5-5 high pull / snatch / clean
5-5 low windmill
5-5 high pull / snatch / clean
5-5 windmill
5-5 high pull / snatch / clean
3-3 double windmill
5-5 high pull / snatch / clean

10 min, 13-13 / 15-15 one handed swing or 25 / 30 swing per min

Stretching, Brettzel

At Ervin’s class:

10 deadlift @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed deadlift @ 16 kg

3-3 military press @ 16 kg
3-3 lat pull @ 16 kg
3-3 side press @ 16 kg
3-3 armbar press @ 16 kg
3x3-3 lat pull @ 16 kg
3-3 half kneeling press @ 16 kg
3-3 half kneeling bent press @ 16 kg
3x3-3 lat pull @ 16 kg
3-3 half kneeling press (other knee) @ 16 kg
3-3 hal kneeling bent press (other knee) @ 16 kg
3x3-3 lat pull @ 16 kg

8-8 one handed swing-clean-front lunge @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @16 kg
8-8 one handed swing-clean-front lunge @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @16 kg
8-8 one handed swing-clean-front lunge @ 16 kg
10-10 small three-phased windscreen wiper @16 kg

5 min snatch @ 12 kg: 40 sec on/20 sec off, 30 sec on/30 sec off, 45 sec on/45 sec off, 30 sec on/30 sec off, 60 sec on

Thursday, March 12, 2009


10 deadlift @ 20 kg
6-6 halo @ 16 kg
3-3 clean-squat-press @ 20 kg
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 side press @ 16 kg1
3-3 stretching down to low windmill + low windmill @ 20 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 lat pull @ 20 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
3-3 clean-squat-press@ 16 kg
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
10-10 ASLR corrective single leg raise
10 ASLR corrective both leg raise
10 situp, KB pressed out with both hands @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
10-10 Russian twist @ 16 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
10 situp, KB pressed out with both hands @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
10-10 Russian twist @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
5-5 ULP @ 20 kg
SMR, stretching

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Murphy Tuesday

10 deadlift
5 SLDL with double KB / 5 double deadlift, 5-5 halo
55 SLDL with double KB / 5 double deadlift, 5-5 halo

2 sets:
5-5 double swing-clean-squat-press / 7 swing-catch-squat-press
3-3 double lat pull
10 ULP on high heels

3-3 swing-clean-high pull/-snatch

2 sets:
5-5 snatch up-overhead squat-snatch down / 5-5 clean-press-overhead squat
3-3 one handed liftup in sitting back position
10 ULP on high heels

3-3 swing-clean-high pull/-snatch

2 sets:
3-3 press press lying on the side, leant on the elbow, legs crossed
5-5 windmill
5-5 row lat pull

3-3 swing-clean-high pull/-snatch

2 sets:
5-5 situp with KB in lockout position, legs hold down by partner
10-10 Russian twist
5-5 row lat pull

One handed swing ladder: 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7, 8-8, 9-9, 10-10

After the class I rushed home, took Monti, the keys, stepped out, pulled the door behind me – and invented that the keys of the door are on the other ring. I would say about the following half an hour as much, it is only easy trick in movies, to open a door with a lended, expired student card… Finally Monti had all the profit, we walked more than two and a half hours by the time Ervin got home after his class (which I was forced to skip this way – now our neighbour has a supplement key, for all cases). After these events there was only time for a short workout:
5 sets: 3-3 clean&press @ 16 kg, 30 swing @ 24 kg

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Unfortunately, the weekend was not spent with the planned workouts; I did not feel well – in fact I felt very bad (I think the pressure and stress at work was to much in the recent weeks and now it all cumulated). I tried to rest a lot, moving was restricted to walking the dog. Of course yesterday evening was already time to pick up the kettlebell for some swing:
7 sets: 10-10 one handed swing @ 16 kg+20 swing @ 20 kg
3 sets: 10-10 one handed swing+20 swing @ 20 kg

Friday, March 6, 2009


5-5 passing DL, 5-5 halo, 5-5 ULP
5-5 SLDL, 5-5 halo, 5-5 ULP
1-1 TGU rotations

50 swing

1-1 TGU+1 windmill+1 floor press
1-1 TGU+2 windmill+2 floor press
1-1 TGU+3 windmill+3 floor press

50 swing

1-1 TGU+1 windmill+1floor press+1 armbar press
1-1 TGU+2-windmill+2 floor press+2 armbar press
1-1 TGU+3 windmill+3 floor press+3 armbar press
1-1 TGU+4 windmill+4 floor press+4 armbar press


VO2 max, 15:15 sec, 15 min (30 sets) or max. 20 min (40 sets)

Those who finished at 10 or 15 min:
5-5 ULP
5-5 windscreen wiper
5-5 ULP
5-5 windscreen wiper
FMS correction stretching, Brettzel, stretching
Ladies and Gentlemen, very nice work, I am proud of you!
At Ervin’s class in the evening:
10 deadlift @ 16 kg
15 deadlift @ 16 kg
6-6 halo @ 16 kg
7-7 halo @ 16 kg
10 catch-squat-press @ 16 kg
5-5 clean&press @ 16 kg
5-5 lat pull @16 kg
10 swing-catch-squat-press @ 16 kg
6 two handed lift in sitting back position @ 16 kg
5-5 clean&press&squat @16 kg
6 two handed lift in sitting back position @ 16 kg
5-5 snatch up-overhead squat-snatch down @ 16 kg
5-5 renegade row @ 16 kg
3-3 sitting press @ 16 kg
3-3 renegade row @ 16 kg
3-3 press leaning to the side, leant on the elbow @ 16 kg
3-3 press lying on the side, leant on the elbow, legs crossed @ 16 kg
3-3 press lying on the side, leant on the elbow with wider legs, legs crossed, leant by the front leg @ 16 kg
10 situp @ 16 kg
5-5 situp with one straigth leg slightly raised @ 16 kg
10 two handed swing-10 left handed swing-10 right handed swing @ 16 kg
15 two handed swing-15 left handed swing-15 right handed swing @ 16 kg
4x5 left handed swing-5 ULP-5 right handed swing-5 ULP @ 16 kg
Tabata: 4 min, 20 sec on:10 sec off: snatch/slingshot @ 16 kg
Thanks for the really great workout! :-)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

For fans of Monti...

Pictures of a long walk in the woods here (Photos: Agnes Dudas)


At Tamas Mari:
10 deadlift @ 16 kg
5-5 clean&bent press @16 kg
5-5 squat&press @ 16 kg(Tamas realized at this point that I am trying to catch a 12 and an 8 kg bell together and fetched a 20 kg KB from the supplement stock :-))
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 TGU @ 20 kg
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
5-5 windmill @ 20 kg
5-5 floor press @ 20 kg
10 situp @ 20 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 squat&press@ 20 kg
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
3 French press @ 20 kg
10 situp @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
3 French press @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
10-10 windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
FMS correction: ASLR 5-5, 5-5, 10
40 swing @ 20 kg
SMR, stretching

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


2 sets:
10 deadlift, 5-5 halo, 5-5 half kneeling 2handed BUP
1-2-3-4 clean-press-windmill-saw
1-2-3-4 clean-press-overhead squat-saw
1-2-3-4 clean-in-line lunge press-saw
1-2-3-4 clean-single leg press-saw
1-2-3 swing-clean-high pull-snatch / swing-clean-high pull
2 sets: 5-5 front lunge, press on the way up& 5-5 back lunge&ULP
1-2-3 swing-clean-high pull-snatch / swing-clean-high pull
30 iron breath
One handed swing ladder: 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7, 8-8, 9-9, 10-10 (Σ 110), 11-11, 12-12, 13-13, (Σ 182)
Brettzel, stretching

At Ervin’s class:
10 deadlift @ 16 kg
5-5 front squat @ 16 kg
5-5 clean&press&squat @ 16 kg
5-5 clean&squat&press @ 16 kg
5-5 clean&press&overhead squat @ 16 kg
3 sets: 1-1, 2-2 TGU @ 16 kg
10 situp @ 10 kg
5-5 situp with one straigth leg slightly raised @16 kg
5-5 situp with one straigth leg slightly raised @16 kg
1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6 one handed swing @ 16 kg
1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7 one handed swing @ 16 kg
1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7 one handed swing &8 ULP @ 16 kg
8-8 one handed swing &8-8 snatch @16 kg
20-20 snatch @ 16 kg

Monday, March 2, 2009


5x40 swing @ 24 kg
FMS correction (ASLR)
Brettzel, Stretching


Upon the recommendation of Adri and Ricsi we tried home massage, too, Saturday was the third time. They are good, we will have it at least every two week:-)
Workout in the evening:
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
20 swing @24 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
20 swing @24 kg
1-1 bent press @ 20 kg
1-1 bent press @16 kg
20 swing @ 24 kg
5-5 windmill @ 20 kg
10-10 Russian twist @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
30 Iron breath @ 16 kg
3-3 floor press @ 20 kg
5-5 front lunge with ULP @ 20 kg
5-5 back lunge with KB in rack position @ 20 kg
20 ULP @ 20 kg
FMS correction (ASLR)
Brettzel, stretching

Last Friday

Whereas my own 20 kg kettlebell has been „kidnapped” I brought one home from the gym. It means I walked it home. Farmer's walk @ 20 kg: l/r - 100/100, 50/50, 50/100, 50/50, 50/50, 100/50, 50/50 (steps). It was nice...

Last Thursday

1-1 TGU with neck and shoulder rotation at each step
80 swing
3 ladders: 1-2-3 clean-bent press-windmill-overhead squat-saw l,r
80 swing
3 sets: 3 floor press-4 armbar press-5 renegade row l,r
80 swing
3 sets: 10-10 windscreen wiper-5-5 front lunge-5-5 back lunge
80 swing
5-5 situp, KB locked out overhead, legs hold down by partner
Brettzel, stretching
At Ervins class in the evening:
10 deadlift @ 16 kg
10-10 single legged two handed deadlift @ 16 kg
3-3 halo @ 16 kg
3-3 slow halo @ 16 kg
3 slow combined halo @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 16 kg
1-2-3 clean-press-saw + 1-1 single legged press l,r @ 16 kg
1-2-3 clean-side press-saw + 1-1 press with in line legs + 1-1 single legged renegade row, l,r @ 16 kg
1-2-3 clean-press with in line legs -saw, l,r @ 16 kg
1-2-3 clean- single legged press-saw, l,r @ 16 kg
2x 20 iron breatch @ 20 kg + power breathing
30 swing a' power breathing @ 16 kg
VO2 max 36:36 sec test @ 16 kg, 6 min – my VO2 36:36 number @ 16 kg: 15 (2 plus to the last test half year ago)
VO2 max 36:36 sec protocol, 8 sets (4 l, 4 r) @ 16 kg, altogether 120 snatch @ 16 kg

Some update...

On February 20, Friday, I drove 240 km in darkness and snowing. Besides becoming tired mentally it felt quite inconfortably to sit behind the wheet, thus: SMR! After 30-40 minutes life functions came back to my body. In case you drive a long distance you certainly should have a massage roller with you!
Sunday I drove the same track back, but before SMR I had a big walk with Monti and some swings:
10 deadlift @ 24 kg
5x20 swing @ 24 kg
Monday, February 23, was a planned rest day and Tuesday a forced one – I had a lot of work and a brutal headache, which could not be helped by 1,5 hour of walking the dog on fresh air, either. At the class Ervin substituted me, he said the guys were good :-)
Whereas I did not fully recover by Wednesday, no ballistics played:

5-5 one-handed deadlift @ 16 kg
5-5 clean&bent press @ 16 kg
5-5 clean&military press @ 16 kg
5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
5-5 low windmill @ 24 kg
5-5 single legged deadlift with one hand @ 24 kg
5-5 single legged deadlift with two hands @ 24 kg