Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Last Friday I made a short swing-workout:

10x10 swing @32 kg


On Saturday we made a general rest, tried to catch somewhat up with the accumulated huge sleep deficit. In the evening we went to climb and afterwards walked Monti (she was waiting patiently while we had our joy with climbing thus she deserved it well :-)


On Sunday we visited my parents who pampered Monti frightfully and I got some great blisters (garden works again :-)).

In the evening Ervin tested his power in USSS snatch test with 24 kg. Impressing result: 233 reps! :-D

Personal account: the workouts at the end of the summer have not turned out as planned (moving, Monti, sickness, etc.). After the ill health last week excluded definitively achieving the former goal (proper military press with 20 kg by end of August). This project I set aside for a while, now I will regain my form, prepare for the group training start and the RKC course in October where I will assist. Meanwhile I will work with heavier weights, too, but the main emphasis is laid on the proper performance and perfection of the exercises, of course in a quantity that makes a workout :-)



Ervin got eager: he accomplished the 10 minutes snatch test, this time with 32 kg. 150 reps! :-) (I hope it is not the turn of 40 kg this evening … however, knowing him it does not appear impossible at all ;-))

As for me, the workouts in the following two weeks will be determined by the deepening of the basics. Yesterday the ballistics were missed due to the blisters but the general refreshing included some exercises. At the following workouts – inspired by Brett Jones – one basic exercise will give the frame and I will exercise the rest, as well.


2x10 deadlift @16 kg
2x5-5 halo @16 kg
2x(5-5 clean&press, 5-5 lat pull) @16 kg
2x5-5 bent press @16 kg
2x5-5 front squat @16 kg
2x5-5 armbar press @16 kg
2x5-5 windmill @16 kg
2x10 lunge&ULP @16 kg
2x10-10 high pull @16 kg


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