Monday, December 21, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
2 sets: 5/10 deadlift – 5/10 halo – 10/20 ULP
3 sets:
20 swing – 20 mp plank – 2-2 slow TGU – 10 ULP to hold / 10 swing – 20 mp bridge – 1-1 TGU – 10 ULP
3 sets:
3/4 French press – 7 goblet squat – 10-10 one handed swing / 2 French press – 5 goblet squat – 10 swing
3 sets:
4 Janda sit up – 10 hip lift holding on to KB – 10-10 Russian twist / 2/3 Janda sit up – 5 hip lift holding on to KB – 5-5 Russian twist
3 sets:
20 front lunge&ULP - – 20 side lunge – 20 mp bridge / 10 front lunge & ULP – 10 side lunge – 20 mp bridge
The guys got a bit tired by the end…
My training:
5 min Tabata: 20 sec on:10 sec off – one handed swing @ 16 kg
5 min Tabata: 20 sec on:10 sec off –swing @ 16 kg
2x5-5 halo @ 16 kg
2x5-5 bent press @ 16 kg
2x7 goblet squat @ 16 kg
2x5-5 floor press @ 16 kg
2x5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
2x20 front lunge @16 kg
2x10 push up on dog house
2x8 pullover @ 16 kg
2 sets: 5/10 deadlift – 5/10 halo – 10/20 ULP
3 sets:
20 swing – 20 mp plank – 2-2 slow TGU – 10 ULP to hold / 10 swing – 20 mp bridge – 1-1 TGU – 10 ULP
3 sets:
3/4 French press – 7 goblet squat – 10-10 one handed swing / 2 French press – 5 goblet squat – 10 swing
3 sets:
4 Janda sit up – 10 hip lift holding on to KB – 10-10 Russian twist / 2/3 Janda sit up – 5 hip lift holding on to KB – 5-5 Russian twist
3 sets:
20 front lunge&ULP - – 20 side lunge – 20 mp bridge / 10 front lunge & ULP – 10 side lunge – 20 mp bridge
The guys got a bit tired by the end…
My training:
5 min Tabata: 20 sec on:10 sec off – one handed swing @ 16 kg
5 min Tabata: 20 sec on:10 sec off –swing @ 16 kg
2x5-5 halo @ 16 kg
2x5-5 bent press @ 16 kg
2x7 goblet squat @ 16 kg
2x5-5 floor press @ 16 kg
2x5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
2x20 front lunge @16 kg
2x10 push up on dog house
2x8 pullover @ 16 kg
36:36 @ 16 kg
Tuesday started in the gym with Adam ("I'll take you in pieces" he promised - and did so). In the evening the class learnt the Janda sit up - my popularity begun to decrease very rapidly... But then I saw the little light in their eyes which I consider as a sign that they have discovered and taken the challenge. We will train it at every class :-)
08 September 2009
2 sets: 5/10 deadlift – 5/10 goblet squat – 10/20 swing
2x5-5 halo 5-5 /10-10 ULP / ULP to hold
2x5-5 clean at wall bars - 5 push up on bench - 2x3-3 military press
3 sets: 3 double press - 5 push up on bench with full tension– 5-5 clean
3 sets: 1-2-3 (l,r) clean-press-lat pull/
4 sets: 20 sec plank - 5 deadlift – 10 swing
4 sets: 10 swing – 1-1 TGU – 20 sec bridge
10/20 ULP/ ULP to hold
3 sets: 3/4 Janda sit up- 5-5/10-10 windscreen wiper
Then I run to the doctor - a mole was removed from my right calf and my training for that night cancelled :-(
On Wednesday I took up a new decade in VO2 max: 36:36-os protocol, and 16 kg. Regarding the double switch I started first with low rep numbers as set up with Adam - timely I could afford more (and will, too) but for 30 sets the 360 snatches were nicely OK.
JM, 10 deadlift @ 16 kg, 10 ULP @ 16 kgVO2 max, 36 sec on:36 sec off, 30 sets, 12 reps/set @16 kg
Thursday started in the gym again. Adam woke me up and made me tired in exchange for his namesday cake :-) I am afraid he will be feared if I show one of his evil ideas at the class tonight :-D (I tried it on Wednesday morning. My abs were burning...)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
After the rest on Friday I was looking forward to Saturday night. We planned 68-70 sets of VO2 max with Adam, but I felt so well and did not want to stop... 80 sets, some GTG afterwards, stretching and I still felt great :-) Something is working well - thanks, Kenneth!
JM, 10 deadlift @ 12 kg, 10 ULP @ 12 kg
VO2 max, 15 sec on : 15 sec off, 80 sets, 40 minutes, 8 reps/set - 640 snatch!
3x5 double floor press @ 2x12 kg
3x30 sec bridge
3x30 sec plank
3x20 small windscreen wiper @ 2x12 kg
3x5 Janda sit up
3x20 front lunge & ULP @ 12 kg
A light training followed on Sunday:
20 swing - 30 sec rest - 10-10 one handed swing - 30 sec rest - 20 hand to hand swing @ 16 kg
2x5-5 military press @ 16 kg
2x5-5 bent press @ 16 kg
2x8 Janda sit up
2x2-2 TGU @ 16 kg
2x8 goblet squat @ 16 kg
2x10 front lunge & ULP @ 16 kg
2x20 Russian twist @ 16 kg
2x20 ULP @ 16 kg
Friday, September 4, 2009
5 burpee, 10 sec bridge
10/5 deadlift – 10/5 goblet squat – 10/20 swing
swing-catch-squat learning
Workout 1: 3 sets: 5/10 swing-catch-squat – 30 sec rest - 10 sec plank, 10 sec bridge
TGU step by step: 3 reps at each steps (beginners: naked TGU), in between: 10-10 one handed swing
Workout 2: 3 sets: 1-1 TGU – 5/10 swing - 30 sec rest - 3x20 sec deadlift and full body tension
1-1 TGU, neck and shoulder rotation at each step
Workout 3: 4 perc swing, 20 sec on, 10 sec off (for beginners only the half, with rests)Stretching
My workout:
20 swing @ 16 kg
2x5 double deadlift @ 2x12 kg
20 swing @ 16 kg
2x5 double press @ 2x12 kg
20 swing @ 16 kg
2x5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 16 kg
2x8 goblet squat @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 16 kg
2x6 Janda sit up
2x10-10 side bend @ 12 kg
2x10 ASLR @ 2x12 kg
2x10-10 small windsreen wiper @ 2x12 kg
2x30 sec plank
2x30 sec bridge
2x10-10 Russian twist @ 16 kg
2x5-5 front lunge @ 2x12 kg
Stretching, SMR
Thursday, September 3, 2009
JM, 10 deadlift @ 12 kg, 10 ULP @ 12 kg
VO2 max, 15 sec on:15 sec off, 60 sets, 30 min, 8 reps/set @ 12 kg
3x5-5 half pistol (down on one leg, up on two legs) @ 12 kg
3x10-10 front lunge&ULP @ 12 kg
3x10 pushup on the doghouse, slow, with high tension
3x4 Janda sit up
3x10-10 Russian twist @ 12 kg
10-10 back lunge&ULP @12 kg
10-10 side lunge @12 kg
10-10 side bend @ 12 kg
3x5-5 floor press @ 12 kg
I made it with Kata, it was much more fun to train together:-)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
In training again
Unfortunately I could not train int he second half of last week – party because of the knee injury but also because of being totally exhausted (the phase when you fall asleep at the diner table) due to official programs reaching into the night. I only had energy to walk the dog and sleep.
On Monday I grabbed the bells again:
3x 5 double press @ 2x12 kg
5 lat pull @ 2x12 kg
3x 5 double floor press @ 2x12 kg
5-5 renegade row @ 2x12 kg
3x 5-5 double windmill @ 2x12 kg
3x20 sec plank
3x 10-10 windscreen wiper @ 2x12 kg
3x 10-10 ASLR @ 2x12 kg
I started on Tuesday at the gym again with Adam, and in the afternoon had the first class again. I am very happy that no free places are left and that 70% of the class consists of the victims of the past season – looks as if we were following the right path :-)
With regard to the summer break we started with the basics (again).
5 wall squat nearing after each
3-3 squat with partner – tension control
5 deadlift at the wall
2x10 sec plank
5 / 10 deadlift with 2 bells in pairs, tension control
5 burpee
10 swing / beginners only holding
20 sec plank
10 loaded swing in pairs / beginners 5 swing
20/10 iron breath
20 swing / 5 towel swing
20 sec plank
10-10 one handed swing / 10 loaded swing
5/10 deadlift
20 hand to hand swing / 10 swing
Workout 1:
4 min: 20 sec deadlift hold the tension on top (2 KBs) – 10 sec rest / 20 sec swing (1 KB) – 10 sec rest (for beginners 1 min work / 1 min rest)
3-3/5-5 goblet squat
5 slow goblet squat, stop and tense at the bottom, pulling oneself up
Workout 2:
20/10 swing – 30 sec rest – 5 goblet squat – 20 sec rest – 10-10 one handed swing/10 swing – 30 sec rest – 5 goblet squat – 20 sec rest – 20 hand to hand swing/10 swing
I was pleased to state that the older victims have not forgotten much and the new ones got to feel the dynamics of deadlift and the arc of the swing. I feel the hidden possibilites in everyone again and fortunately some of them are starting to believe in themselves. Ladies, gentlemen, I am proud to work with you!
5 wall squat nearing after each
3-3 squat with partner – tension control
5 deadlift at the wall
2x10 sec plank
5 / 10 deadlift with 2 bells in pairs, tension control
5 burpee
10 swing / beginners only holding
20 sec plank
10 loaded swing in pairs / beginners 5 swing
20/10 iron breath
20 swing / 5 towel swing
20 sec plank
10-10 one handed swing / 10 loaded swing
5/10 deadlift
20 hand to hand swing / 10 swing
Workout 1:
4 min: 20 sec deadlift hold the tension on top (2 KBs) – 10 sec rest / 20 sec swing (1 KB) – 10 sec rest (for beginners 1 min work / 1 min rest)
3-3/5-5 goblet squat
5 slow goblet squat, stop and tense at the bottom, pulling oneself up
Workout 2:
20/10 swing – 30 sec rest – 5 goblet squat – 20 sec rest – 10-10 one handed swing/10 swing – 30 sec rest – 5 goblet squat – 20 sec rest – 20 hand to hand swing/10 swing
I was pleased to state that the older victims have not forgotten much and the new ones got to feel the dynamics of deadlift and the arc of the swing. I feel the hidden possibilites in everyone again and fortunately some of them are starting to believe in themselves. Ladies, gentlemen, I am proud to work with you!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Cave canem
Yesterday evening we were jogging with Monti and afterwards met another dog, having a jolly play as consequence. And unfortunately, something else, too… The dog-pal (approx. 40 kg and full of muscles) missed a curve after a sprint and run into my left knee. I jumped back, shook it off, little JM and did not care any further… unless starting to swing later that night. Well, my knee signalized without delay to be left alone, or else... :-( Since then: cautious SMR, comfrey (symphytum officinale), chilling, knee protector and hoping for a quick recovery.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I the morning it was training in the gym with Adam. I feel the improvement definitely – I could perform 2x2 chin up and I learnt the feeling of sore abs
In the evening:
JM, 10 deadlift @ 12 kg, 10 goblet squat @ 12 kg, 10 ULP @ 12 kg
In the evening:
JM, 10 deadlift @ 12 kg, 10 goblet squat @ 12 kg, 10 ULP @ 12 kg
VO2 max, 15 sec on:15 sec off, 68 sets, 34 min, 8 reps/set @ 12 kg
3x5-5 one legged deadlift @ 12 kg
3x5-5 floor press @ 12 kg
2x10-10 Russian twist @ 12 kg
Altogether 544 snatches. Yesterday was a rest day, today’s schedule is a light cardio and some GTG, and for Friday 64 sets of VO2 max.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
VO2 max
I usually receive two questions in relation to VO2 max training:
1) How can one survive so many snatches, do I not devastate my lunges / my hands?
2) Is it not utmost boring?
My answers:
1) VO2 is designed for a lighter KB than that you are usually exercising. Many reps with light weight, interval training – that is the merit and works as wonder for your cardiovascular endurance.
Of course you shall not jump in it without any common sense. The best you can do is to consult the system with an RKC, preferably with one who is familiar with the book Viking Warrior Conditioning of Kenneth Jay.
I usually train VO2 max in textile gloves with the fingers cut off, but despite the fact that sometimes I just have not found them my hand / finger did not got injured. Anyway, what did Kenneth say – after you have performed 10.000 snatches, nothing can hurt your hands any more :-). The key is the right technique (do not hold the handle tight, drop it loose and of cousre you should generate the arc up with your hips and not with the hand).
2) No, it is not boring and you do not have time to think of that. Ideally you should find a training partner to snatch with. If no one is available, you should count the sets achieved by the time you reach the half, and afterwards the sets you have still to make (or let GymBoss count, just have it in your mind).
And you should concentrate on the right technique FROM THE BEGINNING TILL THE END (tension, hip work, lockout, tension, drop, repeat…). On one hand, there is not much use nor sense in it if you perform snatches the wrong way (unless you want to get hurt), on the other hand I usually concentrate on the right performance so intensely that only the beep of the GymBoss reminds me to drop having completed the 8 reps and rest. In the rest period you should shake off, jump, shadow box, etc. – not to overload your heart with a sudden stop.
If you are engaged with thoughts like that, no time remains for getting bored and you will wonder how soon the mission impossible (as it seems at the beginning) can be completed.
When you finish and can breath again normally, stopped sweating just count the total reps of snatches you have performed… You will feel a different man or woman ;-) – and maybe find some additional motivation to go on knowing that the Power is with you! Keep on snatching! :-)
And you should concentrate on the right technique FROM THE BEGINNING TILL THE END (tension, hip work, lockout, tension, drop, repeat…). On one hand, there is not much use nor sense in it if you perform snatches the wrong way (unless you want to get hurt), on the other hand I usually concentrate on the right performance so intensely that only the beep of the GymBoss reminds me to drop having completed the 8 reps and rest. In the rest period you should shake off, jump, shadow box, etc. – not to overload your heart with a sudden stop.
If you are engaged with thoughts like that, no time remains for getting bored and you will wonder how soon the mission impossible (as it seems at the beginning) can be completed.
When you finish and can breath again normally, stopped sweating just count the total reps of snatches you have performed… You will feel a different man or woman ;-) – and maybe find some additional motivation to go on knowing that the Power is with you! Keep on snatching! :-)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Weekend workouts
Friday, 21 August
JM, 10 deadlift @ 12 kg, 10 goblet squat @ 12 kg, 10 ULP @ 12 kg
VO2 max, 15 sec on:15 sec off, 60 sets, 30 min, 8 reps/set @ 12 kg
2x10-10 one legged - 10 two legged ASLR @ 12 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper, 10 two legged ASLR @ 12 kg
3x10 slow pushup on parapet, max. tension
3x10-10 one legged deadlift @ 12 kg5-5 pistol on low chair and back
Saturday, 22 August
with 30 sec rests in between: 20 two handed swing – 10-10 one handed swing – 20 hand to hand swing – 20 two handed swing – 10-10 one handed swing – 20 hand to hand swing @ 20 kg
Bridge, tension, rotation 3x(30 mp hold, 15 l-r)Stretching
Sunday, 23 August
JM, 10 deadlift @ 12 kg, 10 goblet squat @ 12 kg, 10 ULP @ 12 kg
VO2 max, 15 sec on:15 sec off, 60 sets, 30 min, 8 reps/set @ 12 kg
4x8 goblet squat @ 12 kg
3x5-5 military press @ 12 kg
3x5 Janda situp
3x10-10 Russian twist @ 12 kg
Forearm bridge hold in tension, forearm raise and stretch (l, r), leg raise and stretch (30 sec, 15-15 sec, 15-15 sec)
Altogether 1.440 snatches last week...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Fatal climbing accident
Hearing of or reading such news always saddens my heart, even if I do not now the casualty - common predestination... This time it is much the worse... The 25 yrs old climber killed in an accident during rappelling in Austria last Saturday was my first mountaineering trainer and became a good friend of us during the joint climbs. He was one of the greatest people I have ever known. I have liked and respected him and so have many others, too.
Now I cannot find the words, it is hurting too much… Staring at the pictures of the joint climbing adventures, my eyes are filled with tears and in spite of the hot weather I feel very cold, from inside… Only the fair people can be missed that much…
Last night
JM, 10 deadlift, 10 goblet squat, 10 nyolcas @ 12 kg
VO2 max, 15 sec on:15 sec off, 60 sets, 30 min, 8 reps/set @ 12 kg
2x5-5 TGU from sitting to high bridge and back - slow @ 12 kg
2x5-5 TGU from half kneeling to bridge and back - slow@ 12 kg
2x5-5 low windmill @ 12 kg
2x5-5 windmill @ 12 kg
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Forgot to mention…
After the climbs I did some GTG snatches (above 2.200 m but did not feel any difference): 60 snatch @ 16 kg, 40 snatch @ 16 kg, finally last Thursday 55 snatch @ 16 kg. I did these in 5/5 sets and on Friday the snatch test in 10/10, 10/10, 5/5, 6 sets, somewhere about 3 minutes. Well, the VO2 max system scheduled with Adam according to the system of KJ is working good :-) - therefore, I return to it today. Anyway, with one exception because injura all assistant RKCs passed the snatch test and the technical exam, thus we renewed our RKC degree for two years :-).
Monday, August 17, 2009
RKC cert
It is quite unbelievable for me that I could assist now for the second time (and Ervin for the third) at the RKC cert powered by Chief Instructor Pavel Tsatsouline, "the Evil Russian"; Master RKC Kenneth Jay, "the Dane of Pain" (Beast Tamer), Senior RKC Geoff Neupert "the Captain" (Beast Tamer) and RKC Team Leader Cortez Hull.
We were delegated to the team of Geoff and at the technical exam I could assist Pavel.
It is hard to define what these three days meant to me but I try to summarize my most important thoughts:
- Pavel is simply ingenious. There is no use to go into further details.
- Kenneth, Geoff, Cortez: it was a honor to watch them and to work with them. I can speak of them only with the highest respect, both professionally and humanly.
- In my opinion, the quiet kindness and cheering words of John Du Cane helped more than just a little to the RKC candidates. He is a phenomenon whose absence is promptly felt as soon as he is not there – besides, we owe him the launch of the kettlebell invasion with Pavel.
- The achievement of Peter both in the organization and the preparation of the Hungarian RKC candidates owes all respect – just like the work of Elena, Moni, Robi and the other supporters; thank you very much!
- The tireless high level interpretation of Gabi – and besides she contributed as RKC, as well! – was an indispensable help for many Hungarian participants to accomplish the cert.
- It was good to meet and work together with the other RKCs again – fortunately the list of the names would be quite long, and you could see that all of them train hard with kettlebells since the RKC, are more experienced in teaching, have prepared for the cert, take the task seriously and do all to support the RKC candidates to preferably earn their RKC but by all means to become better men and women. I am glad to belong to You!
- Congratulations to all participants who accomplished the cert, especially to those who have earned their RKC! Ladies, Gentlemen, be proud of yourselves, it was a great accomplishment you will always remember! Who still has to work on a drill, has been furnished with very good stuff to do that and great support, but if needed you can definitely contact any RKC for help!
Power to you and keep swinging!!!!
- Pavel is simply ingenious. There is no use to go into further details.
- Kenneth, Geoff, Cortez: it was a honor to watch them and to work with them. I can speak of them only with the highest respect, both professionally and humanly.
- In my opinion, the quiet kindness and cheering words of John Du Cane helped more than just a little to the RKC candidates. He is a phenomenon whose absence is promptly felt as soon as he is not there – besides, we owe him the launch of the kettlebell invasion with Pavel.
- The achievement of Peter both in the organization and the preparation of the Hungarian RKC candidates owes all respect – just like the work of Elena, Moni, Robi and the other supporters; thank you very much!
- The tireless high level interpretation of Gabi – and besides she contributed as RKC, as well! – was an indispensable help for many Hungarian participants to accomplish the cert.
- It was good to meet and work together with the other RKCs again – fortunately the list of the names would be quite long, and you could see that all of them train hard with kettlebells since the RKC, are more experienced in teaching, have prepared for the cert, take the task seriously and do all to support the RKC candidates to preferably earn their RKC but by all means to become better men and women. I am glad to belong to You!
- Congratulations to all participants who accomplished the cert, especially to those who have earned their RKC! Ladies, Gentlemen, be proud of yourselves, it was a great accomplishment you will always remember! Who still has to work on a drill, has been furnished with very good stuff to do that and great support, but if needed you can definitely contact any RKC for help!
Power to you and keep swinging!!!!
The Dolomites – wonderful and you cannot get tired of them. It is a great experience to climb there, to watch the marmots on the way to the first pitch, to feed the daws on the top, to marvel at the landscape… I am sure that was not the last time we were there – of course it was good to come home to little Monti who in the meantime went to an exhibition with her breeder, Zoli Baffia where she was ranked Excellent 1 and granted the title CAC in the intermediate class. The little winner welcomed us home with explosive pleasure :-D

Friday, August 7, 2009
Blog off till the RKC
Yes, we are going to climb again, this time to the Dolomites. I will make the RKC snatch test today before we leave, then only exercise for it besides climbing. We will arrive prior to the cert, because both of us will be assisting :-)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Improvement and fatigue. I was not really fit this morning, arriving at 6.45 a.m. at the Gym to train with Adam. A little warm up, behind the neck pull downs and cable rows and then go to pull-ups. 3x1 chinup (the third went for a second try, fist I kicked the tool L). Question from Adam after the second rep: „Well, you do that better now being tired and sleepy than on Tuesday when you were fresh. Half asleep would you tear down the handle?” :-) After the third: „Now that was great!” :-):-) In the following, we trained the critical exercises (those which has not been valuated as „very good” at the course) at I was happy to see that a definite improvement can be seen at each. To be honest, at the end, doing the abs-supersets I gnashed my teeth… but finished them. However, I had only little sleep in the past days, for this training it was worth again to get up early – Adam, thank you!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Light night fun
3x3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
3x5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
4 min Tabata swing, 20 sec on:10 sec off @ 20 kg
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Yesterday night and today morning
JM, 10 deadlift @ 12 kg, 10 goblet squat @ 12 kg, 10 ULP @ 12 kg
VO2 max, 15 sec on:15 sec off, 30 sets, 15min, 8 reps/set @ 12 kg
3x5-5 military press @ 16 kg
3x5-5 front squat @ 16 kg
This morning I went to the gym and Adam trained me. Chinup is developing definitely but there is plenty to work still on the pullup. Anyway, it was good, Adam did not spare me any work but of course he was not cruel - just as it should be :-)
Monday, August 3, 2009
Long time elapsed since my last blogspot... Training went on continuously, but some things happened in the meantime - a short summary:
- a little heart problem of mine was identified, thank God it causes no problems now for awhile and no medicaments are needed any more, either,
- I made my recovery training sessions for strength and lately changed for VO2 max based on the excellent book of Kenneth Jay, Master RKC,
- We had a really successful TGU&KGB workshop with Ervin (see former blogspot with video),
- I was asked to demonstrate KB training at the Physical Education College, trainers course - they seemed to like it,
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
The class was represented by the beginner part who got acquainted with the bent press – they learnt it well, congratulations!
JM, Standing rotation, Naked TGU, Rotation stability
10-10 one handed deadlift, 5-5 halo, 10 swing-catch-squat, 5-5 ULP
1-2-3-4-5(-6/-7) (l, r) one handed swing ladder
pressing down helped by partner, bent press learning
1-2-3 (l, r) bent press ladder
1-2-3 (l, r) bent press ladder
1-2-3 (l, r) bent press ladder
1-2-3-4-5(-6/-7) (l, r) one handed swing ladder
1-2-3-4 (l, r) windmill ladder
1-2-3-4 (l, r) windmill ladder
1-2-3-4-5(-6/-7) (l, r) one handed swing ladder
1-2-1 (l, r) TGU ladder
1-2-1 (l, r) TGU ladder
1-2-3-4-5(-6/-7) (l, r) one handed swing ladder
At home I wanted a short training and thought it would be a good opportunity to make friends with the 28 kg KB. (200 swing per 20 reps). I played with the clubbell, too, only I do not know the names of the exercises (will replace):
2x20 swing @ 28 kg
5-5-5-5 (l, r) different clubbell lifts @ 4 kg
2x20 swing @ 28 kg
5-5-5-5 (l, r) different clubbell lifts @ 4 kg
2x20 swing @ 28 kg
5-5-5-5 (l, r) different clubbell lifts @ 4 kg
2x20 swing @ 28 kg
5-5-5-5 (l, r) different clubbell lifts @ 4 kg
2x20 swing @ 28 kg
5-5-5-5 (l, r) different clubbell lifts @ 4 kg
2x20 swing @ 28 kg
1-1 pistol @ 4 kg clubbell
Stretch, Tiger Tail
1-1 pistol @ 4 kg clubbell
Stretch, Tiger Tail
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Attended the class of Tamás. Hope to remember everything correctly.
10 deadlift to chin @ 20 kg
5-5 halo @16 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 front lunge @ 20 kg
1-2-3-4-5 (l, r) swing ladder @ 20 kg
10 situp @ 20 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
5-5 floor press @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
10 situp @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper
1-2-3-4-5 (l, r) swing ladder @ 20 kg
3-3 back lunge @ 20 kg
10 situp @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 military press @ 20 kg
5-5 Russian twist in straddle @ 20 kg
1-2-3-4-5 (l, r) swing ladder @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper 20 kg
5 ULP @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
SMR, Stretch
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Yesterday, with respect to the weather it was a „lighter” class. Of course, under the circumstances, it was not easy either :-)
3-3 standing rotation
5 French press
30/40/50 swing
3 sets: 10-10 one handed deadlift – 5-5 halo – 5-5 ULP to hold
30/40/50 swing
3 sets: 3-3 half kneeling press– 5-5 front-back lunge with ULP – 5-5 kneeling halo
30/40/50 swing
3 sets: 3-3 single legged military press – 3-3 single legged renegade row – 5-5 Russian twist
30/40/50 swing
3 sets: 1-1/2-2 TGU-overhead squat-windmill
30/40/50 swing
3-3 standing rotation
5 French press
30/40/50 swing
3 sets: 10-10 one handed deadlift – 5-5 halo – 5-5 ULP to hold
30/40/50 swing
3 sets: 3-3 half kneeling press– 5-5 front-back lunge with ULP – 5-5 kneeling halo
30/40/50 swing
3 sets: 3-3 single legged military press – 3-3 single legged renegade row – 5-5 Russian twist
30/40/50 swing
3 sets: 1-1/2-2 TGU-overhead squat-windmill
30/40/50 swing
At home we curled up with Monti for a small nap. It lasted until this morning… must have been tired…
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Yesterday the weather was pretty warm and the atmospheric pressure felt uneasy thus I decided for a not too hard workout:
10-10 ASLR @ 12 kg
3x3-3 pistol @ 12 kg, one pistol without KB – left leg
4x1-1 BUP @ 16 kg
5x3-3 single legged military press @ 16 kg
8x1-1 bent press @ 20 kg
Monday, May 11, 2009
Without any mystifying: I became an RKC one year ago. Thanks to everyone who contributed (are or will be contributing :-)), to those I could train since then, I trained with, and I continually learn from :-)My training yesterday – maybe inspired by the anniversary? ;-) – I reached some breakthrough: 2x2 fully regular (!) military pressw @ 20 kg; 4 right handed and 3 left handed full OK BUP @ 16 kg, 3x3-3 pistol @ 12 kg, pistol with left leg without KB, single legged BUP @ 12 kg with right J (Videos to follow hopefully soon…)
And what I was very happy about: Kata made her first successful windmills @ 20 kg, first try successful bent press @20 kg, many BUP @ 12 kg (first time, too), single legged presses :-D. It was great having such a motivated training partner!
3x3-3 pistol @ 12 kg
1 pistol without KB (left)
5x1-1 bottom up press @ 16 kg
5-5 floor press @ 16 kg
4x2-2 clean&press @ 20 kg (left 2, right 1 push press)
8x3-3 single legged military press @ 16 kg
1 single legged bottom up press @ 12 kg (right)
Wednesday, 7 May
After a day’s rest – I felt it necessary – the training went really well, I felt the presses with 20 kg more and more J
10-10 ASLR @ 16 kg
3x3-3 pistol @ 12 kg
5x5-5 BUP @ 12 kg
4x2-2 clean&press @ 20 kg
8x3-3 single legged military press @ 16 kg
5-5 windmill @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
Afterwards we went on grass with Ervin and trained an hour every kind of ballistics for the TGU&KGB seminar. One thing I can promise: it will be exciting ;-)
Thursday, May 8:
Tamas and his class joined us again:
Naked TGU,
Standing rotation,
5-5 ASLR
3 sets: 10 deadlift – 10 swing-catch-squat – 10 ULP
3 sets:
6 see-saw press - 6 double lat pull – 20 swing
8 see-saw press - 4-4 one sided lat pull, other hand holding the KB – 10-10 one handed swing
10 see-saw press – 6-6 renegade row – 20 DARC swing
3 sets:
2-2 (1-1) TGU-windmill – 5-5 snatch / high pull / clean / one handed swing
2-2 (1-1) TGU-windmill-floor press – 5-5 snatch / high pull / clean / one handed swing
2-2 (1-1) TGU-windmill-floor press-armbar press – 5-5 snatch / high pull / clean / one handed swing
3 sets: 3-3 half kneeling press, narrowing the kneeling distance – 10 situp-standup – 10-10 around the world
One handed swing ladders: 1-5, 1-6, 1-8
SMR, Stretch
Nice work, ladies and gentlemen!
At Ervin’s class:
10 deadlift-10-10 one handed deadlift @ 20 kg
5-5 halo @ 16 kg
5-5 shoulder rotation @16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 military press @ 16 kg
2x3-3 double press @ 2x16 kg
10-10 one handed swing@ 16 kg
3 min: 15sec on:15 sec off: see-saw press @ 2x16 kg / swing @ 16 kg
2x5-5 double clean @ 2x 16 kg
10-10 front lunge, KB in clean position @ 16 kg
2x10-10 front lunge, KB locked out @ 16 kg
6 min: 20 sec on:10 sec off: military press / swing @ 16 kg
10 ULP @16 kg
10 ULP to hold @ 16 kg
10-10 ULP with one legged lunge front and back @ 16 kg
5 min dictated ballistics: swing /one handed swing(b, j) / clean
After a day’s rest – I felt it necessary – the training went really well, I felt the presses with 20 kg more and more J
10-10 ASLR @ 16 kg
3x3-3 pistol @ 12 kg
5x5-5 BUP @ 12 kg
4x2-2 clean&press @ 20 kg
8x3-3 single legged military press @ 16 kg
5-5 windmill @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
Afterwards we went on grass with Ervin and trained an hour every kind of ballistics for the TGU&KGB seminar. One thing I can promise: it will be exciting ;-)
Thursday, May 8:
Tamas and his class joined us again:
Naked TGU,
Standing rotation,
5-5 ASLR
3 sets: 10 deadlift – 10 swing-catch-squat – 10 ULP
3 sets:
6 see-saw press - 6 double lat pull – 20 swing
8 see-saw press - 4-4 one sided lat pull, other hand holding the KB – 10-10 one handed swing
10 see-saw press – 6-6 renegade row – 20 DARC swing
3 sets:
2-2 (1-1) TGU-windmill – 5-5 snatch / high pull / clean / one handed swing
2-2 (1-1) TGU-windmill-floor press – 5-5 snatch / high pull / clean / one handed swing
2-2 (1-1) TGU-windmill-floor press-armbar press – 5-5 snatch / high pull / clean / one handed swing
3 sets: 3-3 half kneeling press, narrowing the kneeling distance – 10 situp-standup – 10-10 around the world
One handed swing ladders: 1-5, 1-6, 1-8
SMR, Stretch
Nice work, ladies and gentlemen!
At Ervin’s class:
10 deadlift-10-10 one handed deadlift @ 20 kg
5-5 halo @ 16 kg
5-5 shoulder rotation @16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 military press @ 16 kg
2x3-3 double press @ 2x16 kg
10-10 one handed swing@ 16 kg
3 min: 15sec on:15 sec off: see-saw press @ 2x16 kg / swing @ 16 kg
2x5-5 double clean @ 2x 16 kg
10-10 front lunge, KB in clean position @ 16 kg
2x10-10 front lunge, KB locked out @ 16 kg
6 min: 20 sec on:10 sec off: military press / swing @ 16 kg
10 ULP @16 kg
10 ULP to hold @ 16 kg
10-10 ULP with one legged lunge front and back @ 16 kg
5 min dictated ballistics: swing /one handed swing(b, j) / clean
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
6x3-3 egylábas military press @ 16 kg
3x2-2 clean&press @ 20 kg (4 szabályos, 3 jobbal, 1 ballal)
8x4-4 BUP @ 12 kg
10-10 ASLR @ 16 kg
2x3-3 pistol @ 12 kg
10-10 ASLR @ 16 kg
Monday, May 4, 2009
Friday was a rest day, on Saturday we went to climb, I climbed 8 routes toprope (VI-VII-), it felt great. Afterwards we walked Monti, at the end she got a harness put on and learnt how to draw a 4 kg kettlebell (photo will follow :-).
Saturday workout:
10-10 ASLR, KB in the opposite hand @ 12 kg
1-1 bent press @ 20 kg
1-1 bent press @ 24 kg
6x2-2 pistol @ 12 kg
5x3-3 single legged military press @ 16 kg
1-2-3 cps (b, j) @ 20 kg (1-1 press, the others were push presses – well, after climbing and bent pressing 24 kg...)
5x4-4 bottom up press @ 12 kg
5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
4-4 windmill @ 20 kg
5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
2x10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
In the afternoon we went to climb, this time we tried lead climbing again after a long lapse. Ervin climbed a V+ and a VI route but I climbed back from these: for one I was too small and in the other I could not persuade myself to continue. We changed to another wall where I lead climbed a nice route of V (after that we were ousted by the mosquitos). I have to lead climb again whereas the toprope of Saturday has clearly shown that I have no problem with force and technique (at my grade of lately) but I have to rebuild in my brain.
Sunday kettlebell workout:
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
2-2 bent press @ 20 kg
1-1 bent press @ 24 kg
2-2 bent press @ 20 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
10-10 ASLR, KB in the opposite hand @ 16 kg
3-3 TGU @ 16 kg
2-2 TGU @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
2-2 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 TGU @ 16 kg
Thursday, 30 April
On Thursday I held two trainings, the first for my class where we hosted Tamás and his class (they were locked out from the high school because of the celebration of the graduates). We used the opportunity an Tamás has presented a little SMR.
RS correction,
Standing rotation
3-3 full rolling armbar press with shoulder rotation
3-3 half kneeling 2H BUP
10 hindu squat
2 sets: 5-5 overhead squat/front squat – 5-5 windmill – 10 ULP/ULP to hold
6 min, 15 sec on:15 sec off: clean&press / with same hand one handed swing
2 sets: 1-2-3 bent press-saw létra (l, r)
2 sets: 10-10 ASLR KB-lel in the opposite hand – 3-3 TGU – 10-10 windscreen wiper
60 swing
It is always a pleasure to substitute at Ervin’s class – he has a group of great and enthusiastic young people, like this night, they worked really hard:
3-3 standing rotation
3-3 half kneeling 2H BUP
10 hindu squat
3 sets: 5-5 overhead squat/front squat – 5-5 windmill – 10 ULP/ULP to hold
6 min, 15 sec on:15 sec off: clean&press / with same hand one handed swing
3 sets: 1-2-3 bent press-saw ladder (b, j)
5 min, 15 sec on:15 sec off: Viking push press or jerk
3 sets: 10-10 ASLR – KB pressed out in the opposite hand – 3-3 TGU – 10-10 windscreen wiper
5 min, 15 sec on:15 sec off: snatch/clean
Short training at home:
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
2-2 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 TGU @16 kg
5 min, 15 sec on:15 sec off: Viking push press, 7 reps / set
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, TGU @ 28 kg
We attended the class of Tamás:
10 deadlift to chin @ 20 kg
1-2-3-4-5 (b, j) cps ladder @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 side press @ 16 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
10 situp in straddle, KB pressed out overhead @16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle, KB pressed out overhead @16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle, KB pressed out overhead @16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
10-10 sit down to side from kneeling @ 16 kg
10-10 snatch @ 16 kg
10 ULP @ 20 kg
SMR, stretching
I got my 28 kg kettlebell but could not wait until getting home thus I tried the TGU @ 28 kg after class. Succeeded for first try with right :-)
10 deadlift to chin @ 20 kg
1-2-3-4-5 (b, j) cps ladder @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 side press @ 16 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
10 situp in straddle, KB pressed out overhead @16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle, KB pressed out overhead @16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle, KB pressed out overhead @16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
10-10 sit down to side from kneeling @ 16 kg
10-10 snatch @ 16 kg
10 ULP @ 20 kg
SMR, stretching
I got my 28 kg kettlebell but could not wait until getting home thus I tried the TGU @ 28 kg after class. Succeeded for first try with right :-)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Brett Jones, Master RKC wrote a great blogpost about the question, which I recommend to read for all FMS certified specialists!
The time came for the class to try themselves. Of course, one of the most adequate tools for that is the Brett Jones Workout :-) Ladies and Gentlemen, congratulation, you have held on and fought hard!
5-5 clean&press
5-5 clean&front squat
5-5 clean&press
20 swing
5-5 clean&press
3-3 TGU
5-5 clean&press
10-10 snatch
5-5 clean&press
5-5 clean&front squat
5-5 clean&press
5-5 clean&front squat
20 swing
5-5 clean&front squat
2-2 TGU
5-5 clean&front squat
15 swing
5-5 clean&press
15 swing
5-5 clean&front squat
15 swing
2-2 TGU
15 swing
5-5 snatch
15 swing
At night I made a light workout:
10-10 ASLR with KB locked out in the opposite hand @ 12 kg
5x2-2 pistol @ 12 kg
5-5 bottom up clean @ 12 kg
5-5 bottom up windmill @ 12 kg
3x1-2-3 (l, r) bottom up clean-press-saw ladder @ 12 kg
5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
TGU Russian ladder: 2-2 TGU @ 16 kg - 1-1 TGU @ 20 kg - 2-2 TGU @ 16 kg
5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
Ervin has shown me an arm movement which helps a lot when you stand up performing the pistol. So far I solved it “simply” by muscle strength, this other way is a bit easier :-). I was somewhat surprised at the big difference between my left and right hand at the bottom up windmill. With right I performed 5 consecutive reps without problems, with left hand I succeeded only 1,2,1,1 only. Probably it is connected with my confidence in the grip strength, and, being right-handed, my right is generated for much more refined work than my left. Well, another issue to work on :-)
5-5 clean&press
5-5 clean&front squat
5-5 clean&press
20 swing
5-5 clean&press
3-3 TGU
5-5 clean&press
10-10 snatch
5-5 clean&press
5-5 clean&front squat
5-5 clean&press
5-5 clean&front squat
20 swing
5-5 clean&front squat
2-2 TGU
5-5 clean&front squat
15 swing
5-5 clean&press
15 swing
5-5 clean&front squat
15 swing
2-2 TGU
15 swing
5-5 snatch
15 swing
At night I made a light workout:
10-10 ASLR with KB locked out in the opposite hand @ 12 kg
5x2-2 pistol @ 12 kg
5-5 bottom up clean @ 12 kg
5-5 bottom up windmill @ 12 kg
3x1-2-3 (l, r) bottom up clean-press-saw ladder @ 12 kg
5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
TGU Russian ladder: 2-2 TGU @ 16 kg - 1-1 TGU @ 20 kg - 2-2 TGU @ 16 kg
5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
Ervin has shown me an arm movement which helps a lot when you stand up performing the pistol. So far I solved it “simply” by muscle strength, this other way is a bit easier :-). I was somewhat surprised at the big difference between my left and right hand at the bottom up windmill. With right I performed 5 consecutive reps without problems, with left hand I succeeded only 1,2,1,1 only. Probably it is connected with my confidence in the grip strength, and, being right-handed, my right is generated for much more refined work than my left. Well, another issue to work on :-)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Temporarily the allergy (the flowing crop of poplar, that little white junk makes me sick every year) and a strong cold made me quite K.O: for four days I had to sleep 60% of the day, so week I felt. By now it became better (knock on wood), I got medicines, and I will insert a light recovery training and will build myself up again gradually.
Little Monti grew one year old on April 24, – of course she was celebrated properly:-)
Little Monti grew one year old on April 24, – of course she was celebrated properly:-)
Thursday, 23 April
RS correction, NTGU, bridge, standing rotation
5-5 full rolling armbar press with 2-2 shoulder rotation
5-5 half kneeling 2H BUP
5-5 half kneeling WM
5-5 situp with KB pressed out
10-10 one handed swing – 20 swing
3-3 TGU
10-10 one handed swing – 20 swing
3-3 TGU & para press at top
10-10 one handed swing – 20 swing
2-2 TGU & 2 para press
10-10 one handed swing – 20 swing
2-2 TGU & 3 para press
10-10 one handed swing – 20 swing
2-2 TGU & 3 para press & windmill at top
Without a break:
20-20 one handed swing – 15-15 high pull – 12-12 clean – 10-10 snatch – 12-12 clean – 15-15 high pull – 20-20 one handed swing
With respect to the muscle pain of the previous day – although SMR and Tiger Tail helped a lot – I turned the volume down, i.e. I trained with 12 kg at Ervin’s class.
10 deadlift
10-10 SLDL
10-10 one handed swing
5 min VO2 max, 15:15 sec, snatch
5-5 clean-press-saw
5 min VO2 max, 15:15 sec, Viking push press
3-3 sitting press
3-3 saw
50 iron breath5 min VO2 max, 15:15 sec, jerk
10-10 situp with KB locked out
5 min VO2 max, 15:15 sec, snatch
Wednesday, April 22
6X3-3 single legged military press @16 kg
4x2-2 clean&press @ 20 kg
5x3-3 BUP @ 12 kg
SMR, Tiger Tail
The single legged presses were great and felt great. Clean&press with 20 kg still mixed: 5 push press with left, 4 push press with right, one absolute OK with right, the rest with hip help. After the BUP I felt that the left shoulder blade levator muscle (musculus levator scapulae) is not perfect. I treated it with SMR, much Tiger Tail and Flector Plaster for the night. In the morning I woke up that it hurt but surprisingliy after getting up I did not feel any restriction in the movements and the pain lessened, too. Strange – feels as if connected with my fingers, all the same, there is some nasty knot in the muscle. I will ask Feri. Of course, a recovery workout will follow and much SMR, Tiger Tail even during the day.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Blown by the whirlwind…
From last Friday up to yesterday I had so much to do that I could not train at the weekend at all, sometimes it was a heroic step to find my bed and could sleep only 3,5 or 4 hours (7 hours were PR). Monday I learnt that „not to eat 2 hours before training” does not mean not to eat 10 hours before training is good… The trouble was that I could not guess when it comes to the workout at last, so I did not eat but something dropped in constantly. Finally I could start at 23:00 p.m, made the warm-up, two cps ladders with 16 kg up to 4 and then everything became dizzy…
Ordinary training again yesterday, I tried to catch up the rhythm cautiously.
2x1-2-3-4 clean-press-saw ladder (l, r) @ 16 kg
Tiger Tail
6x3-3 single legged military press @ 16 kg
8x3-3 BUP @ 12 kg
5x1-1 pistol @ 12 kg
3x5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
The class training yesterday was built up to the utmost well-founded preparation at the end the correct performance of press. I think it was effective whereas two of the guys pressed the KB one weight heavier thand they used to work with before :-)
JM, 10 hindu squat, 10-10 SLDL, 5-5 halo, 3-3 standing rotation KB in one hand
2 sets: 5-5 floor press – 10-10 windscreen wiper – 10-10 ASRL correction
5-5 snatch- 5 DARC swing – 5-5 snatch
2 sets: 5-5 C-FSQ, 5-5 C-FSQ-P, 5-5 C-P-OHSQ
5-5 snatch- 5 DARC swing – 5-5 snatch
2 sets: 5-5 half kneeling press – 5-5 lat pull – 5-5 narrow stance half kneeling press
5-5 snatch- 5 DARC swing – 5-5 snatch
2 sets: 5-5 SLMP – 5-5 lat pull – 5-5 ILMP
3-3 snatch- 3 DARC swing – 3-3 snatch
2 sets: 5-5 BUC – 5-5 BUCP – 5-5 military press
JM, 10 hindu squat, 10-10 SLDL, 5-5 halo, 3-3 standing rotation KB in one hand
2 sets: 5-5 floor press – 10-10 windscreen wiper – 10-10 ASRL correction
5-5 snatch- 5 DARC swing – 5-5 snatch
2 sets: 5-5 C-FSQ, 5-5 C-FSQ-P, 5-5 C-P-OHSQ
5-5 snatch- 5 DARC swing – 5-5 snatch
2 sets: 5-5 half kneeling press – 5-5 lat pull – 5-5 narrow stance half kneeling press
5-5 snatch- 5 DARC swing – 5-5 snatch
2 sets: 5-5 SLMP – 5-5 lat pull – 5-5 ILMP
3-3 snatch- 3 DARC swing – 3-3 snatch
2 sets: 5-5 BUC – 5-5 BUCP – 5-5 military press
Thursday, 16 April
Class: I showed the victims what they are able to: properly prepared and correctly performed (breathing, tension, stability) all of them performed some TGUs with a heavier weight than ever tried before :-) Nice work, guys!
crocodile breath
power breathing
iron breath
ASLR correction
half bridge
prone press-up
5-5/5x1-1 TGU @ small KB, 5-5 windmill @ small KB, 10-10 one handed swing @ normal KB
4-4/4x1-1 TGU @ normal KB, 4-4 windmill @ normal KB, 10-10 one handed swing @ normal KB
3-3/3x1-1 TGU @ big KB, 3-3 windmill @ big KB, 10-10 one handed swing @ normal KB
4-4/4x1-1 TGU @ normal KB, 4-4 windmill @ normal KB, 10-10 one handed swing @ normal KB
5-5/5x1-1 TGU @ small KB, 5-5 windmill @ small KB, 10-10 one handed swing @ normal KB
Stretching, SMR
I had to work a lot (good luck I could do it from home), thus could not go to the class of Ervin, but made a short press strength workout. Experience: if you feel something wrong at your triceps, make a 30 sec brake to work it with the Tiger Tail. It will get better incredibly quick.
4-4 pistol @ 12 kg
2-2 pistol @ 16 kg
1 pistol @ 20 kg (failed with right leg)
2-2 pistol @ 16 kg
2-2 pistol @ 12 kg
2-2 pistol @ 12 kg
5x2-2 clean&press @ 20 kg (7 push press, 12 press with hip help, 1 absolutley correct military press (right); l/r: 5/8)
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
4-4 single legged military press @ 16 kg
5x3-3 single legged military press @ 16 kg (I felt that four would not be good for the form any more)
5x4-4 BUP @ 12 kg
5-5/5x1-1 TGU @ small KB, 5-5 windmill @ small KB, 10-10 one handed swing @ normal KB
4-4/4x1-1 TGU @ normal KB, 4-4 windmill @ normal KB, 10-10 one handed swing @ normal KB
3-3/3x1-1 TGU @ big KB, 3-3 windmill @ big KB, 10-10 one handed swing @ normal KB
4-4/4x1-1 TGU @ normal KB, 4-4 windmill @ normal KB, 10-10 one handed swing @ normal KB
5-5/5x1-1 TGU @ small KB, 5-5 windmill @ small KB, 10-10 one handed swing @ normal KB
Stretching, SMR
I had to work a lot (good luck I could do it from home), thus could not go to the class of Ervin, but made a short press strength workout. Experience: if you feel something wrong at your triceps, make a 30 sec brake to work it with the Tiger Tail. It will get better incredibly quick.
4-4 pistol @ 12 kg
2-2 pistol @ 16 kg
1 pistol @ 20 kg (failed with right leg)
2-2 pistol @ 16 kg
2-2 pistol @ 12 kg
2-2 pistol @ 12 kg
5x2-2 clean&press @ 20 kg (7 push press, 12 press with hip help, 1 absolutley correct military press (right); l/r: 5/8)
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
4-4 single legged military press @ 16 kg
5x3-3 single legged military press @ 16 kg (I felt that four would not be good for the form any more)
5x4-4 BUP @ 12 kg
Wednesday, 15 April
Class at Tamas (hope to remember everything):
10 deadlift up to chest @ 20 kg
6-6 halo @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
1-2-3 (l, r) clean-press-saw ladder @ 20 kg (1-2 with both hands achieved, most correct was the first with right hand, static, good tempted. With left the 3 were all push presses, wiht right I pressed them all with a slight help from hip)
20 swing @ 20 kg1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 bent press @ 20 kg
3-3 lat pull @ 20 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 lat pull @ 20 kg
3-3 half kneeling press @ 16 kg
5 situp in straddle @ 20 kg – 5 situp in straddle @ 16 kg
3-3 half kneeling press narrower stance @ 16 kg
10 situp in straddle @ 16 kg
3-3 ILL half kneeling press @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
10-10 ASLR with KB locked out in the opposite hand @ 16 kg
10 both legs raise, KB locked in both hands @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10-10 Russian twist in straddle @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
SMR, stretching
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tuesday TGU Russian Ladder
ASLR correction
10 hindu squat
3 set: 1-2-3 (b, j) clean-press-saw
3 set: 1-2-3 (b, j) bent press-saw
3 set: 5 goblet squat-5 squat with closed legs-3-3 pistol down, stand up on both legs-3-3 pistol to box/at wall bars
2 set: 10-10 clean - 5-5 bottom up clean
6 min, 15 sec on / 15 sec off: clean&press / one handed swing
Stretching, SMR
At home I made a TGU-day:
5x1-1 TGU - 5-5 windmill - 20-20 one handed swing @ 16 kg
4x1-1 TGU - 4-4 windmill - 10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
3x1-1 TGU - 3-3 windmill - 5-5 one handed swing @ 24 kg
4x1-1 TGU - 4-4 windmill - 10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
5x1-1 TGU - 5-5 windmill - 20-20 one handed swing @ 16 kg
SMR, Tiger Tail
I performed the 16 kg TGU as corrections, rotating my neck as advised by Feri Csíky (it did not make it either lighter or heavier) – I felt as if it had stretched my neck muscles, at least they were less tight when being worked on with the Tiger Tail as usual J
Ervin dropped a little ballistic workout – just a loose USSS snatch test (10 minutes, free hand switches and rests), without any specific preparations: 240 reps @ 24 kg. Respect!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Friday, 10 April
4x3-3 single legged military press @ 16 kg
6-6 lat pull @ 16 kg
4x3-3 single legged military press @ 16 kg
6-6 lat pull @ 16 kg
3x2-2 jerk-little pull down-press out @ 20 kg
3x1-1 jerk-2xpull down-press out @ 20 kg
5x4-4 bottom up clean&press @ 12 kg
3x3-3 side press @ 16 kg
3x3-3 bent press @ 16 kg-2-2 bent press @ 20 kg
3-3 pistol @ 12 kg
2-2 pistol @ 16 kg
1-1 pistol @ 20 kg
1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7 one handed swing @ 16 kg
3x30 swing @ 16 kg
Saturday, 11 April
I had the luck to attend together with Zoli Ujj the SMR seminar hold by Feri Csíky as assistant. Besides the fact the three hours of self myofascial release equals to a great workout, it was totally different to listen to Feri from the perspective that I am more or less aware of the merit and I can concentrate on the method of teaching. „More or less” means that although it was the third basic level seminar (plus I made the advisor course) nevertheless I had quite some „aha!” moments – I am getting used to that with Feri :-D. Not to mention his sense of humor, I like that very much, too.
It was good to see the great improvement with some people, the attendees were interested, had questions, understood the main lines and some of them indicated to take my advice and come to the next seminar, as well. My own experience: it is worth to do so! Feri, thanks for the opportunity and I am looking forward to the next one on 24 May!
Sunday, 12 April
Very often you are not accepted and acknowledged in your own family. That is one of the reasons I was very delighted when I could show some SMR and Tiger Tail drills to my parents. Whereas my mother is invalid and my father has some problems, too, we were very cautious and handled only a few drills which can help in the problem fields. I am very proud of them, how they listened, tried, repeated, helped each other to memorize. I thank them for this experience, I am quite sure they will see positive changes soon. Of course I want the best for them, that is why they are going to Csíky Feri for an expert inspection when they next come to Budapest :-)
Update: they just called me to have performed the joint mobility drills and rolled some SMR :-)
Monday, 13 April
The warm weather and the three and a half hours of driving were a strain, thus I did not overdo…
8x3-3 clean&press @ 16 kg + 1-1 clean&push press-pull back to para clean-press out @ 20 kg
6x3-3 single legged military press @ 16 kg
5x3-3 BUP @ 12 kg
2-2 pistol @ 12 kg
1-1 pistol @ 16 kg
2-2 pistol @ 12 kg
Thursday, 9 April
rotation stability correction
1-1 TGU without KB
10 deadlift, 5-5 halo
1-1 TGU rotation
3 sets: 3-3 floor press – 5-5 windscreen wiper – 5-5 situp in straddle
3 sets: 2-2 TGU – 5-5 front lunge – 5-5 ULP
3 sets: 1-1 TGU&windmill – 3-3 overhead squat – 10-10 one handed swing
VO2 max, 15:15 sec protocol, 10-15 min snatch
Ervin designed a great workout for the night class:
10 deadlift @ 20 kg
15 deadlift @ 20 kg
6-6 halo @ 16 kg
7-7 halo @ 16 kg
10 min, 15 sec on:15 sec off: clean&press @ 16 kg (3 reps) / one handed swing with the same hand @ 16 kg (11 reps) / 1 min
2x5 goblet squat @ 20 kg
4x5 double front squat @ 2x16 kg
2x5-5 dead clean @ 20 kg
20-20 rotation swing in one/another direction @ 20 kg
10-10 bottom up swing @ 20 kg
5-5 para clean @ 20 kg
10-10 bottom up swing @ 20 kg
20-20 DARC swing @ 20 kg
Tabata, 4 min: 20 sec on:10 sec off: snatch @ 16 kg (10-10, 9-9, 9-9, 9-9)
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Increase of pressing strength, powered by Péter Lakatos. Somehow, Péter has never given any advice which was not worth following – I think it cannot be pure chance ;-). When I designed the workout, it did not looked too hard on paper. Well…
4 sets:
2-2 pistol @ 12 kg
1-1 pistol @ 16 kg
6 sets:
3-3 single legged military press @ 16 kg, after each second set 3-3 lat pull @ 16 kg
5 sets:
3-3 bottom up clean&press @ 12 kg
1-1 bottom up press @ 16 kg (first try, one was OK, at the others I had to take hold with one finger)
5-5 lat pull @ 16 kg
4 min, 20 sec on:10 sec off, see-saw press @2x16 kg / swing @ 24 kg
Interesting: both from single legged press and BUP I could do one more per set compared with the last workout – not to mention pistol :-) Thanks, Peter!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
ASLR correction, 1-1 TGU, without KB
1-2-3 (l, r) clean-press-lat pull
6-6 single legged deadlift
10-10 one handed swing
1-2-3 (l, r) half kneeling press
6-6 single legged renegade row
10-10 one handed swing
1-2-3 (l, r) sitting press
6-6 renegade row
10-10 one handed swing
1-2-3 (l, r) BUP
6-6 lat pull
10-10 one handed swing
1-2-3 (l, r) bent press
6-6 lat pull
10-10 one handed swing
1-2-3 (l, r) single legged press
6-6 lat pull
10-10 one handed swing
5 goblet squat
3-3 windmill
10-10 one handed swing
5 squat with close legs
3-3 windmill
10-10 one handed swing
3-3 squat down on one leg, up on two legs
3-3 windmill
10-10 one handed swing
3-3 preparation jump
1-1 pistol
10-10 one handed swing
3-3 preparation jump
2-2 pistol
10-10 one handed swing
1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7 one handed swing
By night I was so tired mentally that I did not touch the bell. If mental focus is lacking, you can get injured in next to no time. I will catch up today :-)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, 6 April
Yesterday the goal was the utmost strict and precise performance of presses – achieved. Based on the post of Peter and the advices of Pavel and Brett I will try to include three press strength increasing workouts in my weekly training schedule for the following months.
8x3-3 clean&press @ 16 kg
6x2-2 single legged military press @ 16 kg - 2-2 lat pull@ 16 kg
5x2-2 bottom up press @ 12 kg
2-2 pistol @ 12 kg
1-1 pistol @ 16 kg
2-2 pistol @ 12 kg
5-5 lat pull @ 16 kg
Sunday, 5 April - SMR therapy
The countryside trip had one negative: the bed I slept in was very uncomfortable, by Sunday morning my back, my waist and even my knee hurt…At home I foam rolled myself for some 40 minutes which helped a lot so that I could insert 5x20 swings with 24 kg, afterwards strictly followed by SMR again. In twenty minutes I felt well again :-)
Saturday, 4 April
Friday night we travelled to the countryside with Ervin and Monti to relax after a busy week in good company J Of course we took three KBs (16 kg, 20 kg, 24 kg) and the pre-name-day-present of Ervin, a Rope of 10 m. Saturday we used the fine weather and made „some” workout:
TGU Russian ladder:
5x1-1 TGU @ 16 kg - 4x1-1 TGU @ 20 kg - 3x1-1 TGU @ 24 kg - 4x1-1 TGU @ 20 kg - 5x1-1 TGU @ 16 kg
5x1-1 TGU @ 16 kg - 4x1-1 TGU @ 20 kg - 3x1-1 TGU @ 24 kg - 4x1-1 TGU @ 20 kg - 5x1-1 TGU @ 16 kg
Windmill Russian ladder:
6-6 windmill @ 16 kg - 5-5 windmill @ 20 kg - 4-4 windmill @ 24 kg - 5-5 windmill @ 20 kg - 6-6 windmill @16 kg
6-6 windmill @ 16 kg - 5-5 windmill @ 20 kg - 4-4 windmill @ 24 kg - 5-5 windmill @ 20 kg - 6-6 windmill @16 kg
1-1 swing-clean-high pull-snatch @ 24 kg
Windmill Russian ladder:
6-6 windmill @ 16 kg - 5-5 windmill @ 20 kg - 4-4 windmill @ 24 kg - 5-5 windmill @ 20 kg - 6-6 windmill @16 kg
5 goblet squat @ 20 kg - 5-5 SLDL @ 20 kg
3-3 front squat @ 24 kg - 3-3 SLDL @ 24 kg
5 goblet squat @ 20 kg - 5-5 SLDL @ 20 kg
3 goblet squat @ 24 kg - 3-3 SLDL @ 24 kg
Rope workout
VO2 max, 15:15 sec protocol, parallel waves, 17 wave / set, 5 min, 10 sets
6-6 windmill @ 16 kg - 5-5 windmill @ 20 kg - 4-4 windmill @ 24 kg - 5-5 windmill @ 20 kg - 6-6 windmill @16 kg
5 goblet squat @ 20 kg - 5-5 SLDL @ 20 kg
3-3 front squat @ 24 kg - 3-3 SLDL @ 24 kg
5 goblet squat @ 20 kg - 5-5 SLDL @ 20 kg
3 goblet squat @ 24 kg - 3-3 SLDL @ 24 kg
Rope workout
VO2 max, 15:15 sec protocol, parallel waves, 17 wave / set, 5 min, 10 sets
After the rope workout I had to lay on my stomach and trying to breath normally again and respected Ervin very much, who – after some GTG first try – made a 20 minutes workout with 15 sec on / 15 sec off and was not knocked out afterwards, either (he changed parallel with alternate waves).
After the rope workout I had to lay on my stomach and trying to breath normally again and respected Ervin very much, who – after some GTG first try – made a 20 minutes workout with 15 sec on / 15 sec off and was not knocked out afterwards, either (he changed parallel with alternate waves).
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, 2 April
Thursday is TGU-day with the class. This is one of the best drills and I am very proud of the class because they perform it better and better, you can see the improvement at everyone which is being enhanced by the Russian ladders J As a transition drill we used the specialty of Gabi, the snatch-DARC swing combination – it was well received :-)
3-3 rotation stability correction
1-1 TGU without KB
2-2 TGU with lighter weight – 1-1 TGU with heavier weight – 2-2 TGU with lighter weight
3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch
2-2 TGU&windmill with lighter weight – 1-1 TGU&windmill with heavier weight – 2-2 TGU&windmill with lighter weight
3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch
2-2 TGU&windmill&floor press with lighter weight – 1-1 TGU&windmill&floor press with heavier weight – 2-2 TGU&windmill&floor press with lighter weight
3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch
2-2 TGU&windmill&floor press&armbar press with lighter weight – 1-1 TGU&windmill&floor press&armbar press with heavier weight – 2-2 TGU&windmill&floor press&armbar press with lighter weight
3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch
10-10 windscreen wiper – 5-5 front lunge, KB in goblet position – 5-5 Russian twist
3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch-3 DARC swing-3 snatch
Ervin designed a great workout, felt good at night:
10 deadlift @ 20 kg
15 deadlift @ 20 kg
10-10 SLDL @ 20 kg
5-5 windmill @ 20 kg
1-2-3 bent press (l, r) @ 16 kg
1-2-3 bent press (l, r) @ 16 kg
30 swing @ 20 kg
1-2-3 bent press (l, r) @ 16 kg
1-2-3 bent press (l, r) @ 16 kg
1-2-3 bent press (l, r) @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
10 min VO2 max, 15:15 sec protocol, 7 reps/set @ 16 kg, 20 sets
Wednesday, 1 April
A good workout at Tamás – as far as I can recall it:
10 deadlift @ 20 kg
2x3-3 shoulder rotation with KB @ 16 kg
10 deadlift @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 side press @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
10-10 one handed swing @20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 bent press @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @20 kg
10-10 high pull @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 lunge and press on the same side @ 16 kg
3-3 lunge and press on the opposite side @ 16 kg
10 situp in straddle @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10-10 snatch @16 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 lunge and press on the same side @ 16 kg
3-3 lunge and press on the opposite side @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen @ 20 kg
10-10 high pull @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
SMR, stretching
Afterwards we made an FMS test, result was 15, no asymmetry.
10 deadlift @ 20 kg
2x3-3 shoulder rotation with KB @ 16 kg
10 deadlift @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 side press @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
10-10 one handed swing @20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 bent press @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @20 kg
10-10 high pull @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 lunge and press on the same side @ 16 kg
3-3 lunge and press on the opposite side @ 16 kg
10 situp in straddle @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10-10 snatch @16 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 lunge and press on the same side @ 16 kg
3-3 lunge and press on the opposite side @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen @ 20 kg
10-10 high pull @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
SMR, stretching
Afterwards we made an FMS test, result was 15, no asymmetry.
Tuesday, March 31
ASLR correction
1-1 TGU without KB
10 deadlift, 5-5 halo
3 sets:
1-2-3(-4) clean-press-saw ladder
10-10 one handed swing
3 sets:
5-5 clean-press-overhead squat
3-3 renegade row
5-5 front lunge (clean position)
3 sets:
5-5 double clean&front squat
5-5 double windmill
10-10 windscreen wiper (last set: 5-5)
4 min, 20 sec on, 10 sec off: see-saw press / swing
4 min, 20 sec on, 10 sec off: snatch or clean / one handed swing
Brettzel, stretching
I finally got back my 20 kg kettlebell - of course it was a must to train with it :-) Bent press went really good but I felt the long time without practising – just as expected – at military press, I got altoghether two fine reps, both with right hand. But problems are there to solve :-)
2 sets:
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
3-3 renegade row @16 kg
2-2 bent press @ 20 kg
2-2 renegade row @ 20 kg
2 sets:
3-3 clean&press @ 16 kg
3-3 lat pull @16 kg
2-2 clean&press @ 20 kg
2-2 lat pull @ 20 kg
Russian ladder:
3-3 floor press @ 16 kg – 2-2 floor press @ 20 kg – 1-1 floor press @ 24 kg – 2-2 floor press @ 20 kg – 3-3 floor press @ 16 kg
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
1 set:
2-2 clean&press @ 20 kg2-2 lat pull @ 20 kg3-3 clean&press @ 16 kg3-3 lat pull @16 kg
Russian ladder:
3-3 armbar press @ 16 kg – 2-2 armbar press @ 20 kg – 3-3 armbar press @ 16 kg
5x20 swing @ 24 kg
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Cathing up...
Last Tuesday, March 24
10 deadlift
5-5 halo
3-3 rotary stability roll over
1-1 TGU without KB
2-2 bent press without KB
3-3 windmill, pulled to the KB down
3-3 half kneeling bent press smallest weight
2-2 half kneeling bent press middle weight
1-1 half kneeling bent press heavy weight
2-2 half kneeling bent press middle weight
3-3 half kneeling bent press smallest weight
40 swing
3-3 bent press smallest weight
2-2 bent press middle weight
1-1 bent press heavy weight
2-2 bent press middle weight
3-3 bent press smallest weight
40 swing
3-3 bent press-windmill-overhead squat smallest weight
2-2 bent press-windmill-overhead squat middle weight
1-1 bent press-windmill-overhead squat heavy weight
2-2 bent press-windmill-overhead squat middle weight
3-3 bent press-windmill-overhead squat smallest weight
40 swing
5 goblet squat
2 squat with knees closed
2 squat with knees closed with KB
2-2 pistol preparation jump
1-1 pistol, on two legs on the way up
1-1 pistol preparation jump
1-1 pistol
2 sets without break:
3-3 windmill - 4-4 clean - 2-2 bent press - 5-5 snatch / high pull / one handed swing - 5 goblet squat - 20 swing
At Ervin’s class in the night:
2x5-5 halo @ 16 kg
5-5 lifting from shoulder to shoulder above the head @ 16 kg
5 French press @ 16 kg
1-2-3-4-5 clean-press-saw (b, j) @ 16 kg
1-2-3-4-5 clean-press-saw (b, j) @ 16 kg
1-2-3-4 clean-press-saw (b, j) @ 16 kg
40 swing
5-5 see-saw floor press @ 2x16 kg
5-5 see-saw floor press @ 2x16 kg
5 double squat @ 2x16 kg
5 double squat @ 2x16 kg
10 windscreen wiper @ 2x16 kg
10 windscreen wiper @ 2x16 kg
10 double clean @ 2x16 kg
10 double clean @ 2x16 kg
50 hand to hand swing @16 kg
1 min ULP @ 16 kg
1 min Viking push press (l) @ 16 kg, 1 min rest 1 min Viking push press (r) @ 16 kg
Wednesday, March 25
Hope to recall it correct:
10 pullup @ 20 kg
6-6 halo @ 16 kg
5-5 military press @ 16 kg
10 goblet squat @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle @16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 press in straddle@ 16 kg
10 situp in straddle @16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10-10 Russian twist in straddle @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
3-3 press in straddle @ 16 kg
10 situp in straddle @16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
3-3 halo in straddle @ 16 kg
10-10 Russian twist in straddle @ 16
25 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 press in straddle @ 16 kg
10 situp in straddle @16 kg
3-3 halo in straddle @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10-10 Russian twist in straddle @ 16 kg
30 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 half kneeling military press @ 16 kg
5-5 one handed SLDL @ 20 kg
5-5 ULP to hold @ 20 kg
3-3 in-line military press @16 kg
3-3 TGU @ 20 kg
10-10 high pull @ 20 kg
5-5 ULP to hold @ 20 kg
40 swing @ 20 kg
SMR, stretching
Last Thursday, March 26
Class, Russian ladders:
10 deadlift 5-5 halo
3-3 rotary stability rollover
1-1 TGU without KB
1-1 TGU rotation
3-3 TGU smallest weight
2-2 TGU middle weight
1-1 TGU heavy weight
2-2 TGU middle weight
3-3 TGU smallest weight
10 ULP
3-3 windmill smallest weight
2-2 windmill middle weight
1-1 windmill heavy weight
2-2 windmill middle weight
3-3 windmill smallest weight
10 ULP
3-3 TGU smallest weight
2-2 TGU middle weight
1-1 TGU heavy weight
2-2 TGU middle weight
3-3 TGU smallest weight
10 ULP
3-3 windmill smallest weight
2-2 windmill middle weight
1-1 windmill heavy weight
2-2 windmill middle weight
3-3 windmill smallest weight
10 ULP
5 min VO2 max, 15 sec on:15 sec off, 10 sets, snatch/clean
You all have developed a lot in your TGU, I am proud of You!
At Ervin’s class in the night:
10 deadlift @ 16 kg
12 deadlift @ 16 kg
5-5 halo @16 kg
6-6 halo @ 16 kg
1-2-3-4 clean-press-saw (l, r) @ 16 kg
1-2-3 clean-press-saw (l, r) @ 16 kg
1-2-3 clean-press-saw (l, r) @ 16 kg
1-2-3 clean-press-saw (l, r) @ 16 kg
1-2-3 clean-press-saw (l, r) @ 16 kg
2x30 swing @ 16 kg
3-3 armbar press @ 16 kg
3-3 renegade row @ 16 kg
10-10 windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @16 kg
3-3 armbar press @ 16 kg
3-3 renegade row @ 16 kg
10-10 windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
5-5 snatch up-windmill-snatch down @ 16 kg
6-6 snatch up-windmill-snatch down @ 16 kg
8-8 Viking push press-windmill-Viking push press @ 16 kg
10 ULP @ 16 kg
10-10 snatch @ 16 kg
12-12 snatch @ 16 kg
60 swing @ 16 kg
80 swing @ 16 kg
Stirring but fruitful weekend
Friday was a planned rest day, on Saturday I had lessons at the Physical Education College, afterwards a make-her-tired walk with Monti and then came to bath and dry the dog. What shall I say, the latter was equal to a workout. Monti tolerated bathing more or less but she hates being dried, three of us kept her down and Zoli made the drying. Meanwhile we had to pay attention not to devastate her fur where already dried… I will not go int further details.
The result was a more beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog Girl, who slowly forgave us. That is was worth all the work, turned out on Sunday: as a debut participant on a dog show, Moonlight of Szárazpatak (Szárazpataki Holdfény, the official name of Monti) received a judgement „excellent” and won the class of young female bernese mountain dogs! Little Monti, we are very-very proud of you!!! Photos are coming soon :-) Thanks for the support for the bathing-drying team and for everything to Zoli, breeder of little Monti :-D
Sunday workout:
2 sets:
3x1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
30 swing @ 24 kg
2 sets:
5-5 windmill @ 24 kg
5-5 clean @ 24 kg
2 sets:
20 iron breath @ 24 kg
5 nyolcas @ 24 kg
SMR, Tiger Tail
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday Russian ladder
It is always worth to keep Ervin's advice. He suggested Russian ladder for my workout yesterday night and I have to admit that it was really effective. Try it and you will understand what I am thinking of! ;-)
1-1 TGU @16 kg
1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kgTGU
Russian ladder (continuosly per side without rest with one weight):
3-3 TGU @ 16 kg
2-2 TGU @ 20 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
2-2 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 TGU @ 16 kg
Windmill orosz létra:
4-4 windmill @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
2-2 windmill @ 24 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
4-4 windmill @ 16 kg
Brettzel, SMR
Sunday, March 22, 2009
SMR advisor
The SMR advisor course was yesterday, we talked over everything very detailed due to the familiar mood – extra thanks to Feri for his patience regarding the questions. I am very happy to have made a closer acquaintance with Balazs – he is a great person and you can only respect his trainings, too.
I could write long odes on how awesome and useful the course was but prefer a proof instead:
Yesterday evening I made an FMS test asked by a victim and troubleshooting her TGU. As already written by Feri, too, the test and the TGU have shown in full synch the same mistakes (asymmetry 2 in HS and ILL, inflexible hip). Prior to the corrective drills I took the foam roller and we started to work on the problem areas. No more surprise for me that – confirming the forecast of Feri – I could score with a very good hit proportion in advance which area would hurt and where, and after half an hour of SMR the hip lift improved a lot! Of course she has to work on the asymmetry but I wait a significant improvement by combining SMR and FMS corrective drills very soon (I will report on the results).
I did not spare the work for myself, either: I played with the Tiger Tail – it is a blessing for my neck, and a stiff trigger point in my left shoulder is giving in to the Knobble. The pain in my knee vanished after 10 minutes of SMR on the corresponding areas.
It is great to feel that I not only can begin something with the problems but can handle them :-) I am keen on this stuff, thanks for Feri for everything so far and I hope – actually am quite sure – that there will be a lot to thank for in the future, as well!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Inspired by Peter Lakatos, RKC II Team Leader
Both the flat and the garden were empty on Friday night without Ervin and Monti. They were at the countryside but on Saturday I had the SMR advisor course thus could not accompany them. What else could I have done but a great workout?
Having been impressed by the training hold by Peter I got the inspiration from him. I started each exercise with 16 kg to have my body get used to the right performance before switching weight where applicable. This has proven to be a good idea – I made TGUs with 24 kg for the third time and I can report that my heel stayed on the ground! Another great thing: I could make pistols with 16 kg on both legs for the first try ever (so far I made pistols with 12 kg). Not by chance: beforehand I always made the introduction drill shown by Peter :-)
4x1-1 TGU @ 16 kg
10 swing @ 16 kg
3x1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
10 swing @ 20 kg
2x1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
10 swing @ 24 kg
3-3 lat pull @ 16 kg
3-3 lat pull @ 20 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 16 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 24 kg
1-1 pistol @ 16 kg
10 ULP @16 kg
1-1 pistol @ 16 kg
10 ULP @ 20 kg
1-1 pistol @ 16 kg
10 ULP @ 24 kg
5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
10 ULP @ 16 kg
5-5 windmill @ 20 kg
10 ULP @ 20 kg
5-5 windmill @ 24 kg
10 ULP @ 24 kg
10-10 windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
10 ULP @ 16 kg
10-10 windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10 ULP @ 20 kg
20 iron breath @ 24 kg
10 ULP @ 24 kg
FMS: 3x10-10 ASLR correction leg raise
Brettzel, SMR
4x1-1 TGU @ 16 kg
10 swing @ 16 kg
3x1-1 TGU @ 20 kg
10 swing @ 20 kg
2x1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
10 swing @ 24 kg
3-3 lat pull @ 16 kg
3-3 lat pull @ 20 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 16 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 24 kg
1-1 pistol @ 16 kg
10 ULP @16 kg
1-1 pistol @ 16 kg
10 ULP @ 20 kg
1-1 pistol @ 16 kg
10 ULP @ 24 kg
5-5 windmill @ 16 kg
10 ULP @ 16 kg
5-5 windmill @ 20 kg
10 ULP @ 20 kg
5-5 windmill @ 24 kg
10 ULP @ 24 kg
10-10 windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
10 ULP @ 16 kg
10-10 windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10 ULP @ 20 kg
20 iron breath @ 24 kg
10 ULP @ 24 kg
FMS: 3x10-10 ASLR correction leg raise
Special Guest Stars
My class and the hard core of Ervin’s class had a special experience on Thursday: Peter Lakatos, RKC II, Team Leader accepted the invitation and he hold the training. I do not think it necessary to introduce Peter, but I want to tell that I do not only respect him very much for his excellent technical knowledge but at least the same for the way he can transmit this to the victims.
Belonging to those lucky ones who started kettlebell at Peter, I thought the class deserves to experience at least once who we owe our thanks for having introduced KBs to Hungary and to understand why I – and the other RKCs – regard Peter as absolute icon and role model.
Peter „brought along” Ferenc Csiky, RKC, FMS and SMR advisor to assist – that means, Feri helped to detect the problems. Thanks to his presence I used the opportunity and joined the class in training (who would have been so fool to miss it?!) J As agreed, the menu was bent press and pistol. It was utmost efficient, we received practical guidance with exercising not being relaxation, as well, but I have to praise the workout, too.
The awesome in Peter is that he has a simple solution – like Ooops! Really! – for everything. E.g. I could do the pistol so far only with my left leg. Peter has shown a preliminary exercise, I did it three times and after that – and since then – I can make the right leg pistol, as well!
That the guys did feel the honor was proved by the fact that the conversation with Peter and Feri after the class lasted further one and a half hour and the company parted very slowly (I do not want to say that they were listened to in respectful silence, but nearby…)
The workout was the following (do as many sets as you like – we had time for two, without any break):
2-2 bent press
10-10 snatch
5 goblet squat
25 swing
Peter, Feri, thank you very much again!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
10 DL, 5-5 halo, 5-5 ULP
1-1 TGU rotation
1-2-3 clean-press-saw (l,r)
40 swing (1)
1-2-3 windmill
40 swing (2)
3-3 half kneeling press on opposite leg
3-3 lat pull
3-3 half kneeling press on same leg
3-3 lat pull
40 swing (3)
3-3 half kneeling bent press on opposite leg
3-3 row
3-3 half kneeling bent press on same leg
3-3 row
40 swing (4)
3-3 clean-press-windmill-kneeling-bent press
40 swing (5)
3-3 clean-squat-press-windmill
40 swing (6)
5-5 clean-press-front lunge with same leg
10 situp in saddle lifting the KB from behind of the head
10-10 windscreen wiper
40 swing (7)
5-5 clean-press-front lunge with same leg
10-10 Russian twist
10-10 windscreen wiper
40 swing (8)
10-10 back lunge with ULP
30 iron breath
40 swing (9)
5-5 double windmill
5 three-phase windscreen wiper
40 swing (10)
400 swings altogether, nice work, gentlemen!
At Ervin’s class:
3x7-7 halo @ 12 kg
2x 15 deadlift @ 16 kg
1-2-3 clean-press-saw ladder (l,r) @ 16 kg
1-1 clean-press-front lunge-press-clean-press-back lunge-press-clean-press @16 kg
3-3 lat pull @ 16 kg
1-2 ladder (l,r) clean-press-front lunge-press-clean-press-back lunge-press-clean-press @ 16 kg
6-6 lat pull @ 16 kg
3-3 clean-squat-press @ 16 kg
3-3 lat pull
3x1-2-3 ladder (l,r) clean-squat-press-saw @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill position, pull down to the KB (stretching)
3-3 windmill&pull down to the KB (stretching) @ 16 kg
10 situp lifting the KB from behind and pressing with both hands above the head, legs hold down by partner @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill&pull down to the KB (stretching) @ 16 kg
10 situp lifting the KB from behind and pressing with both hands above the head, legs hold down by partner @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill&diagonal pull down to the KB (stretching) @ 16 kg
10 situp lifting the KB from behind and pressing with both hands above the head, legs hold down by partner @ 16 kg
7 min, pro one min:
20 swing @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 16 kg
20 swing, every 2. high swing @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 16 kg
1 min ULP @16 kg
20 high swing @ 16 kg
1-1 armbar stretch @ 16 kg, stretching
10 DL, 5-5 halo, 5-5 ULP
1-1 TGU rotation
1-2-3 clean-press-saw (l,r)
40 swing (1)
1-2-3 windmill
40 swing (2)
3-3 half kneeling press on opposite leg
3-3 lat pull
3-3 half kneeling press on same leg
3-3 lat pull
40 swing (3)
3-3 half kneeling bent press on opposite leg
3-3 row
3-3 half kneeling bent press on same leg
3-3 row
40 swing (4)
3-3 clean-press-windmill-kneeling-bent press
40 swing (5)
3-3 clean-squat-press-windmill
40 swing (6)
5-5 clean-press-front lunge with same leg
10 situp in saddle lifting the KB from behind of the head
10-10 windscreen wiper
40 swing (7)
5-5 clean-press-front lunge with same leg
10-10 Russian twist
10-10 windscreen wiper
40 swing (8)
10-10 back lunge with ULP
30 iron breath
40 swing (9)
5-5 double windmill
5 three-phase windscreen wiper
40 swing (10)
400 swings altogether, nice work, gentlemen!
At Ervin’s class:
3x7-7 halo @ 12 kg
2x 15 deadlift @ 16 kg
1-2-3 clean-press-saw ladder (l,r) @ 16 kg
1-1 clean-press-front lunge-press-clean-press-back lunge-press-clean-press @16 kg
3-3 lat pull @ 16 kg
1-2 ladder (l,r) clean-press-front lunge-press-clean-press-back lunge-press-clean-press @ 16 kg
6-6 lat pull @ 16 kg
3-3 clean-squat-press @ 16 kg
3-3 lat pull
3x1-2-3 ladder (l,r) clean-squat-press-saw @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill position, pull down to the KB (stretching)
3-3 windmill&pull down to the KB (stretching) @ 16 kg
10 situp lifting the KB from behind and pressing with both hands above the head, legs hold down by partner @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill&pull down to the KB (stretching) @ 16 kg
10 situp lifting the KB from behind and pressing with both hands above the head, legs hold down by partner @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill&diagonal pull down to the KB (stretching) @ 16 kg
10 situp lifting the KB from behind and pressing with both hands above the head, legs hold down by partner @ 16 kg
7 min, pro one min:
20 swing @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 16 kg
20 swing, every 2. high swing @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 16 kg
1 min ULP @16 kg
20 high swing @ 16 kg
1-1 armbar stretch @ 16 kg, stretching
Check your swing stance!
Question: why is one of my knees aching during swinging? Let us see: shoulders back, hip snap, tension OK, breathing OK… Oops! Foot position? Remember what you heard at the very beginning when you learnt how to perform the deadlift: when you are sinking for the KB, your knees shall be above your feet! The same applies for swing, too. Do not let yourself overcome by the „routine”, check the right starting position, tension (look out that no obstacles be around you) before each exercise to avoid pain or what is worse, injury – that is the way you can work really effective!
At home it can be useful to do the workout in front of the mirror, record the exercises and watch yourself afterwards – you will be surprised! – or ask an RKC to check the problem exercises. Each solution which brings you nearer to the perfect performance of the exercises is useful. Power to you! :-)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
10 deadlift @ 20 kg
3-3 windmill pull down (stretching) @ 20 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
1-2-3-4 clean-press-saw ladder@ 20 kg
5 French press @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
3-3 side press @ 16 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
6-6 front lunge, KB in rack position @ 20 kg
5 French press @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 bent press @ 20 kg
5 French press @ 16 kg
3-3 halo in straddle @ 16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 half kneeling press @ 16 kg
3-3 press in straddle @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
3-3 clean-squat-press @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle, lifting the KB from behind and pressing with both hands above the head @16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 clean-squat-press-windmill @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle, lifting the KB from behind and pressing with both hands above the head @16 kg
20 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 floor press @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle, lifting the KB from behind and pressing with both hands above the head @16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10-10 high pull @ 20 kg
4-4 floor press+3-3 armbar press @ 20 kg
10 situp in straddle, lifting the KB from behind and pressing with both hands above the head @16 kg
40 swing @ 20 kg
5 ULP @ 20 kg
SMR, stretching
Monday, March 16, 2009
On Saturday we went bouldering. It was great to touch the rock again, we caught up relatively fast and it was a great play to try to solve the boulder problems. Our hands get used to the cold stone, only Monti was not contented – not being the centre of the universe for a while, but afterwards she was satisfied with a walk :-)
Sunday night:
5x1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
10x20 swing @ 24 kg
ASLR correction - leg raise 3x10-10
Brettzel, stretching
Brettzel, stretching
It felt fine - a great way to close the week :-)
Friday, March 13, 2009
10 DL, 5-5 halo, 5-5 ULP
5 double SLDL, 5-5 halo, 5-5 ULP
1-1 TGU rotation
5-5 TGU
5-5 high pull / snatch / clean
5-5 low windmill
5-5 high pull / snatch / clean
5-5 windmill
5-5 high pull / snatch / clean
3-3 double windmill
5-5 high pull / snatch / clean
3-3 TGU
5-5 high pull / snatch / clean
5-5 low windmill
5-5 high pull / snatch / clean
5-5 windmill
5-5 high pull / snatch / clean
3-3 double windmill
5-5 high pull / snatch / clean
10 min, 13-13 / 15-15 one handed swing or 25 / 30 swing per min
Stretching, Brettzel
At Ervin’s class:
10 deadlift @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed deadlift @ 16 kg
3-3 military press @ 16 kg
3-3 lat pull @ 16 kg
3-3 side press @ 16 kg
3-3 armbar press @ 16 kg
3x3-3 lat pull @ 16 kg
3-3 half kneeling press @ 16 kg
3-3 half kneeling bent press @ 16 kg
3x3-3 lat pull @ 16 kg
3-3 half kneeling press (other knee) @ 16 kg
3-3 hal kneeling bent press (other knee) @ 16 kg
3x3-3 lat pull @ 16 kg
8-8 one handed swing-clean-front lunge @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @16 kg
8-8 one handed swing-clean-front lunge @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @16 kg
8-8 one handed swing-clean-front lunge @ 16 kg
10-10 small three-phased windscreen wiper @16 kg
5 min snatch @ 12 kg: 40 sec on/20 sec off, 30 sec on/30 sec off, 45 sec on/45 sec off, 30 sec on/30 sec off, 60 sec on
Thursday, March 12, 2009
10 deadlift @ 20 kg
6-6 halo @ 16 kg
3-3 clean-squat-press @ 20 kg
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 side press @ 16 kg1
3-3 stretching down to low windmill + low windmill @ 20 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 kg
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 TGU @ 20 kg
3-3 lat pull @ 20 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 bent press @ 16 kg
3-3 clean-squat-press@ 16 kg
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
10-10 ASLR corrective single leg raise
10 ASLR corrective both leg raise
10 situp, KB pressed out with both hands @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
10-10 Russian twist @ 16 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
10 situp, KB pressed out with both hands @ 16 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 16 kg
10-10 Russian twist @ 16 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
5-5 ULP @ 20 kg
SMR, stretching
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Murphy Tuesday
10 deadlift
5 SLDL with double KB / 5 double deadlift, 5-5 halo
55 SLDL with double KB / 5 double deadlift, 5-5 halo
2 sets:
5-5 double swing-clean-squat-press / 7 swing-catch-squat-press
3-3 double lat pull
10 ULP on high heels
3-3 swing-clean-high pull/-snatch
2 sets:
5-5 snatch up-overhead squat-snatch down / 5-5 clean-press-overhead squat
3-3 one handed liftup in sitting back position
10 ULP on high heels
3-3 swing-clean-high pull/-snatch
2 sets:
3-3 press press lying on the side, leant on the elbow, legs crossed
5-5 windmill
5-5 row lat pull
3-3 swing-clean-high pull/-snatch
2 sets:
5-5 situp with KB in lockout position, legs hold down by partner
10-10 Russian twist
5-5 row lat pull
One handed swing ladder: 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6, 7-7, 8-8, 9-9, 10-10
After the class I rushed home, took Monti, the keys, stepped out, pulled the door behind me – and invented that the keys of the door are on the other ring. I would say about the following half an hour as much, it is only easy trick in movies, to open a door with a lended, expired student card… Finally Monti had all the profit, we walked more than two and a half hours by the time Ervin got home after his class (which I was forced to skip this way – now our neighbour has a supplement key, for all cases). After these events there was only time for a short workout:
5 sets: 3-3 clean&press @ 16 kg, 30 swing @ 24 kg
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Unfortunately, the weekend was not spent with the planned workouts; I did not feel well – in fact I felt very bad (I think the pressure and stress at work was to much in the recent weeks and now it all cumulated). I tried to rest a lot, moving was restricted to walking the dog. Of course yesterday evening was already time to pick up the kettlebell for some swing:
7 sets: 10-10 one handed swing @ 16 kg+20 swing @ 20 kg
3 sets: 10-10 one handed swing+20 swing @ 20 kg
Friday, March 6, 2009
5-5 passing DL, 5-5 halo, 5-5 ULP
5-5 SLDL, 5-5 halo, 5-5 ULP
1-1 TGU rotations
50 swing
1-1 TGU+1 windmill+1 floor press
1-1 TGU+2 windmill+2 floor press
1-1 TGU+3 windmill+3 floor press
50 swing
1-1 TGU+1 windmill+1floor press+1 armbar press
1-1 TGU+2-windmill+2 floor press+2 armbar press
1-1 TGU+3 windmill+3 floor press+3 armbar press
1-1 TGU+4 windmill+4 floor press+4 armbar press
VO2 max, 15:15 sec, 15 min (30 sets) or max. 20 min (40 sets)
Those who finished at 10 or 15 min:
5-5 ULP
5-5 windscreen wiper
5-5 ULP
5-5 windscreen wiper
FMS correction stretching, Brettzel, stretching
Ladies and Gentlemen, very nice work, I am proud of you!
At Ervin’s class in the evening:
10 deadlift @ 16 kg
15 deadlift @ 16 kg
6-6 halo @ 16 kg
7-7 halo @ 16 kg
10 catch-squat-press @ 16 kg
5-5 clean&press @ 16 kg
5-5 lat pull @16 kg
10 swing-catch-squat-press @ 16 kg
6 two handed lift in sitting back position @ 16 kg
5-5 clean&press&squat @16 kg
6 two handed lift in sitting back position @ 16 kg
5-5 snatch up-overhead squat-snatch down @ 16 kg
5-5 renegade row @ 16 kg
3-3 sitting press @ 16 kg
3-3 renegade row @ 16 kg
3-3 press leaning to the side, leant on the elbow @ 16 kg
3-3 press lying on the side, leant on the elbow, legs crossed @ 16 kg
3-3 press lying on the side, leant on the elbow with wider legs, legs crossed, leant by the front leg @ 16 kg
10 situp @ 16 kg
5-5 situp with one straigth leg slightly raised @ 16 kg
10 two handed swing-10 left handed swing-10 right handed swing @ 16 kg
15 two handed swing-15 left handed swing-15 right handed swing @ 16 kg
4x5 left handed swing-5 ULP-5 right handed swing-5 ULP @ 16 kg
Tabata: 4 min, 20 sec on:10 sec off: snatch/slingshot @ 16 kg
Thanks for the really great workout! :-)
5-5 passing DL, 5-5 halo, 5-5 ULP
5-5 SLDL, 5-5 halo, 5-5 ULP
1-1 TGU rotations
50 swing
1-1 TGU+1 windmill+1 floor press
1-1 TGU+2 windmill+2 floor press
1-1 TGU+3 windmill+3 floor press
50 swing
1-1 TGU+1 windmill+1floor press+1 armbar press
1-1 TGU+2-windmill+2 floor press+2 armbar press
1-1 TGU+3 windmill+3 floor press+3 armbar press
1-1 TGU+4 windmill+4 floor press+4 armbar press
VO2 max, 15:15 sec, 15 min (30 sets) or max. 20 min (40 sets)
Those who finished at 10 or 15 min:
5-5 ULP
5-5 windscreen wiper
5-5 ULP
5-5 windscreen wiper
FMS correction stretching, Brettzel, stretching
Ladies and Gentlemen, very nice work, I am proud of you!
At Ervin’s class in the evening:
10 deadlift @ 16 kg
15 deadlift @ 16 kg
6-6 halo @ 16 kg
7-7 halo @ 16 kg
10 catch-squat-press @ 16 kg
5-5 clean&press @ 16 kg
5-5 lat pull @16 kg
10 swing-catch-squat-press @ 16 kg
6 two handed lift in sitting back position @ 16 kg
5-5 clean&press&squat @16 kg
6 two handed lift in sitting back position @ 16 kg
5-5 snatch up-overhead squat-snatch down @ 16 kg
5-5 renegade row @ 16 kg
3-3 sitting press @ 16 kg
3-3 renegade row @ 16 kg
3-3 press leaning to the side, leant on the elbow @ 16 kg
3-3 press lying on the side, leant on the elbow, legs crossed @ 16 kg
3-3 press lying on the side, leant on the elbow with wider legs, legs crossed, leant by the front leg @ 16 kg
10 situp @ 16 kg
5-5 situp with one straigth leg slightly raised @ 16 kg
10 two handed swing-10 left handed swing-10 right handed swing @ 16 kg
15 two handed swing-15 left handed swing-15 right handed swing @ 16 kg
4x5 left handed swing-5 ULP-5 right handed swing-5 ULP @ 16 kg
Tabata: 4 min, 20 sec on:10 sec off: snatch/slingshot @ 16 kg
Thanks for the really great workout! :-)
Thursday, March 5, 2009
At Tamas Mari:
10 deadlift @ 16 kg
5-5 clean&bent press @16 kg
5-5 squat&press @ 16 kg(Tamas realized at this point that I am trying to catch a 12 and an 8 kg bell together and fetched a 20 kg KB from the supplement stock :-))
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 TGU @ 20 kg
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
5-5 windmill @ 20 kg
5-5 floor press @ 20 kg
10 situp @ 20 kg
25 swing @ 20 kg
3-3 squat&press@ 20 kg
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
3 French press @ 20 kg
10 situp @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
3 French press @ 20 kg
10-10 small windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
5-5 lat pull @ 20 kg
10-10 one handed swing @ 20 kg
10-10 windscreen wiper @ 20 kg
FMS correction: ASLR 5-5, 5-5, 10
40 swing @ 20 kg
SMR, stretching
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